Monday, August 27, 2007

I have a potty training story for you.......

Ok, I'm in the kitchen washing dishes and here Kiersten say, "Kael do you have to potty?". I don't pay much attention, well because he's wearing a diaper and we aren't really potty training yet. So a few minutes pass and I walk through the house to get something and pass the bathroom. I come to an immediate halt when I see Kael's diaper in the floor.

He is standing directly in front of the toilet (holding it), looks at me and says "peed, peed" very seriously. I stepped into the bathroom, turned on the light and sure enough that little stink had peed, right in front of the toilet all over the floor!

Had he been a foot taller he would have peed right in the toilet!

And, yes we are getting out the potty chair........

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Long time no type. . . . .

It's been awhile, but here I am. So much has gone on since I last posted. I've been to CLEET. What a time that was.......... for those of you that don't know what CLEET is, well it stands for Counsel on Law Enforcement Education and Training. I had to be CLEET certified for my job. It was about 4 hours away in Wilburton (and I thought Miami was small!!) Oklahoma and I was there from Sunday thru Thursday every week for 11 weeks. There was a lot of physical training, custody and control, weapon retention, ground fighting, legal, etc., etc., etc....... We usually had 10 hour days, and then several days ranged from 14 to 20 hours depending on the exercise we were doing.

Apparently, I am bent. This because I really enjoyed CLEET. I made several friends while there, learned I am much stronger both mentally and physically than I thought and I learned how to protect myself should the need arise.

I could go on and on about it, but don't want to bore you any further. I may try and post pics sometime soon.


As for the little divinities Katlynn just started 7th grade (*gasp* this completely freaks me out - she's getting soooooo grown up), Kiersten just started 3rd grade (my baby girl isn't such the baby anymore!) and Kael well he's generally full of piss and vinegar, onery as the day is long and just about the most adorable little guy I've ever laid eyes on....not that I'm partial or anything!

Another big event in our household over this summer included losing our home in the flood. For those not from around here, some 30% of Miami was under water. Our house in particular was under 9 feet of water - it was in the attic - yes I said the attic! We were lucky we were able to get the vast majority of our things out of the house. We lost the kitchen stuff, some beds, lots of pictures and keepsakes. But all in all we were very fortunate. Now dealing with the insurance company and FEMA, well that's an experience I'll save for another day.

To finish on a silly note:

Yesterday I was putting something up in my closet and Kael pushed in behind me pushing my legs saying "mooov" (or move) repeatedly, I countered with "you move, mommy was here first", I of course couldn't move because he had me trapped, while still pushing continuing to say "mooov", I said "ok, ok, but how about you say excuse me instead of move" - his reply with a final push out of the way "mooov me". And off into the closet he went.