Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I really, really, really NEED a vacation SOON!!

Well it's been a couple of days since I've been here so there should be a lot to talk about, but my life is fairly boring so. . . I'll just fill you in on the basics.
Saturday I helped my girlfriend with her daughter's bday party. It was a 70's Disco theme. You should've seen my gold sequenced snake skin pants! I actually had to go into wal-mart to get some soda for her party! Talk about getting some looks! It was pretty funny. The party went well, the kids had a really good time. My mouth was bothering me terribly so I didn't have a great time.
Sunday I woke up with a horrible"I think it's going to kill me" toothache. There is nothing like the misery of a toothache! I was supposed to drive my cousin to the airport, but called my dad and asked him to take pity on me and drive her. My oldest daughter had stayed the night at her girlfriend's house so it was just me and my youngest. I put in a movie and she was content for a while, then I told her I'd pay her if she did some extra chores (you know a time filler), and then her friend called and came and picked her up for a play date. I was so relieved, I could lay on the couch and revel in my pain without interruption. I'm kidding here. I was able to take a pain pill and not worry about falling asleep while she was awake. So it was one of the nicest days we've had in ages and I was to miserable to enjoy it.
Monday was normal. I was able to get into the dentist and he told me we could extract it or do a root canal. Do you have any idea what a root canal and crown cost these days?!? $1,220.90. I almost fell out of my chair! And get this, my insurance will pay a whole $330.00. What is that? So I've got pain killers and antibiotics and an appointment next Monday to get it extracted!
I WENT TO LADY'S NIGHT! at the casino! This is a first for me. I called up my girlfriend and said we're going out! We both lost of course! But hey we were out with no husbands and no kids for a full TWO HOURS! We may have to do it again real soon.
I just got my graduation announcements in the mail, I can't tell you how excited I am! My graduation is set for May 14, @ 9:30 am. I am graduating with a Bachelor's of Science in Criminal Justice Administration with a double minor in Juvenile Justice and Paralegal and an Associate's of Science in Law Enforcement. YEAH!!! I am so happy that I am almost finished, and yet a little freaked out that I have to now seek out my career!
Well I guess that's all for now, I'm going to head to Curves and eat some lunch. Thanks diva lady for the shout out. I'm going to try that link thing now. . . .


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