Friday, July 22, 2005

Follow the yellow brick road. . . . .

So I'm not sure where that came from, but anyway. . . .

I truly lack any form of motivation today (where my work is concerned). I got here this morning and the air conditioner would not kick on!! It was so stinking hot I was sweating (Pregnant here!!) my boss was in Carthage in a dissolution trial so I couldn't call him to ok my calling the heat & air guy. So I went upstairs to PC's office (there is a window unit up there) turned on his air and came back downstairs to wait until it was cool enough up there to take refuge!! So during my eternal wait my boss calls and I tell him what's going on. He agrees that I take shelter upstairs and says he'll call the air guy. So 30 minutes later or so he makes it to the office about the same time PC does and low and behold they determine that since only one of us can work in the office upstairs it should be me and they should go and play golf!! Those to are so hopeless. So we head downstairs to leave for lunch only to discover the air has mysteriously kicked on! Guess what, they headed to the golf course anyway! It has however made for a wonderfully peaceful afternoon. I can see the allure of being outside in 106* weather hitting a tiny white ball and sweating my rear off!!

I think I mentioned in my last post that we were told the baby is a boy! This is shocking considering I have 2 girls and there are only two boys on my side of the family! I tried to put this baby count down thing on here, but couldn't get it to work and was irritable so I gave up. Maybe I'll try again later!
Well I'm off for the weekend, I'm hoping to get my husband to put our pool up this weekend! He is the king of excuses, although they are running thin his last response was "I'm not putting it up tonight!"
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


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