Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Need a weather update?

My boss and I were just talking and he asked me if it was supposed to rain tomorrow and it reminded me of my 6 yr old. This is due to the fact that the only time I know what the weather will be like tomorrow is when she mentions it. Odd I know. Many months ago, during our evening of trying to get things ready for morning, I asked her if she had her clothes laid out and

her: "yes, I have my green curious george shirt, jean skirt and panties"
me: "will you be warm enough?

To this I received a nice sigh followed by

her: "Mom, it's going to be 74 degrees out tomorrow and sunny." *With that 'aren't you the mom' look*

While laughing I wondered aloud how she knew this, and was greeted with another 'aren't you the mom' look when she informed me that that's what the weatherman had said this morning on the news.

I personally have found it very amusing that at 6 she stops what she's doing to listen to the weather so that she knows what she can wear to school!


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