Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Oh the questions I have to answer!

First I must say that I CANNOT believe I forgot to post this earlier!~

Alright, picture this, it is oh I don't know 45 minutes after I had Kael and everyone is in the room oohing and ahhhhing and holding him and such. And my 6 yr old is sitting on the bed next to me and her big sister is standing behind her and I'm talking with several people at once and here's the conversation that ensued . . .

unknown: Did you have to have very many stitches? [why this is thought to be an appropriate question I will never understand, and yet here I am putting up for everyone to hear!]
me: no, none
unknown: blah, blah, blah
6yr old: Momma, if you didn't have stitches how did you get him out?
10yr old: Yeah, mom? *evil grin*

Alrighty then. So I should have seen that one coming. Her question was followed with an earth shattering quiet while everyone waited on my reply.


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