Friday, March 31, 2006

Ready or not here I come!

Well, Kael turned 3 months old the 28th! It has flown by. The little turd has been turning himself over from his back to his stomach for a couple of weeks now and I felt it was kind of early for him to be doing this, but since it's been so long I thought maybe I'd just forgotten. And several people expressed surprise at him doing this, but still. So today I am reading one of those baby updates from BabyWeekly and it is talking about things my baby should be doing at 13 weeks and it says,

This strengthens the muscles he or she will need to roll over, which could happen any time. While babies often roll from tummy to back first, doing it the other way is perfectly normal, too. However, it may take your baby until he or she is about 5 or 6 months to roll from back to tummy, because that trick requires stronger neck and arm muscles.

ok, mine is apparently backwards, because he started with the back to the belly! lol and he's been doing it for a while rather than anytime now. I hope this doesn't mean everything will come early. Since he's my last baby I want him to take his time and not grow to quickly. I know that sounds silly and selfish, but hey I get to here! The girls just went to fast for me and now they act so grown up.

My babies (the girls) are just killing me, because they aren't babies anymore. Katlynn is 10, almost eleven, and Kierst will be 7 next month and they both carry on like they are older. The thought of puberty hitting our house is indeed a scary one. Katlynn has always been extremely independent, since she was a baby, but here in the last six months or so she has hit that preteen stage in which I know very little and of course she has all the answers. *Oh the fun that can be*

I actually wrote this the other day, but I'll post it now anyway.


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