Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm so confused.

Ok, so more pissed off than confused. At my six week checkup after having Kael I asked the Dr. why my bellybutton looked so abnormal and was told, "oh, that's an umbilical hernia". Ok. Well we discussed the need for a hysterectomy and was told that the hernia would just be operated on at the same time as the H and that we would decide exactly when to do it at my yearly appt. in June. Then I was told that if there were any changes in the hernia to call and set an appointment to have it looked at. Ok. Well there has been a change, granted not a big change but a change all the same. So this morning I call to make the appointment (hating it because I don't have insurance right now and of course I'm broke - whaaaa) so she asks me why I want to come in and I explain the Dr. told me to if there were changes. She asks about insurance and since I have no insurance she says "we can only see soonercare patients who are pregnant." I told her I didn't have soonercare, I'd have to pay for it. She then says I'll have to go to my primary care physician and be referred to see the Dr., but he wouldn't take care of an umbilical hernia anyway. So I told her that he was the one that had diagnosed it, told me to come in if there were any changes and if he wasn't going to take care of it why did he tell me to come in in June at my yearly and he would operate then. ~you'll love this~ Her next sentence is, "well, we can't take soonercare for a yearly either." {me biting tongue trying not to yell at her} As calmly as I could said, "I understand that, I DO NOT have soonercare I would be paying for it". She actually says, "Oh well, don't get upset, I'm just trying to make sure you realize and don't have a big bill your not expecting." Jeez lady. Ok, so I ask what I'm supposed to do since the dr. told me to come back to HIM for these procedures, she says "well, you can get a referral and then at your appointment in June he can look at the hernia and tell you who to see."
Do you see a pattern here?
Getting no where quick with her, I then ask, "What will it cost to come in now and see him so that he can look at the changes and see if something needs to be done now?" her reply, "Well I can't really tell you that because it depends on how long the dr. is with you, probably around $80, but I can't really say because the Dr. will tell us how much to charge."
So I mistakenly think I'm getting somewhere and am going to get an appointment when she says the bit I put in above about seeing him in June and hangs up.


So I guess I have to go to a primary care physician (pay the $60 or $70 office fee) have him tell me I have an umbilical hernia (big shocker there), give me a referral to someone pay them an office fee, then schedule a procedure for the hernia and also get a referral to the dr., who has already diagnosed it, for a yearly visit and pay them an office fee. And maybe at some point during the next freaking millennium I'll get this stupid thing repaired and a hysterectomy! But not before I pay a gagillion Dr.'s their first visit appointment fee!

And what's the deal with her being so rude to me because she thought I had soonercare. What if I did? I work. I pay plenty of taxes.

And he was my dr. for my entire pregnancy, the bladder problems I had, etc. and I do not owe the office any money at all, so it's not like she had reason to think I wouldn't pay my bill.

Ok, well I am now rambling and just plain --tching and I have given you way more information than I'm sure you wanted to know.


Blogger bornfool said...

I just love our healthcare system.

11:13 AM  
Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

Do ya remember asking me why I quit going to this doctor? I think you just met the reason!!!!! I had insurance and dealt with this crap. He also told me he was going to do a hysterectomy and when I woke up from surgery found out he changed his mind and was going to just give me meds for 5 more years and then I could have it. I switched Dr's and am now uterus free!

2:50 PM  

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