Wednesday, April 05, 2006


So I'm listening to the radio this morning and he does the horoscopes for people on the go. I usually listen a laugh, on occasion it has been eerily on. One day it said "Your good friend will yell at you today, just let her get it out of her system." So that afternoon me and two others were setting up for some girl scout thing and T starts yelling at us all. She just went off. We were stunned because it's just not like her. As I started to say something that radio guy's voice went through me head telling me to just let her get it out, and so I did and she was fine a few minutes later. Man was she creeped out when I told her about it!
Anyway, my point. This morning he's doing the horoscopes and gets to cancer and says, "There is some confusion about something you've said, someone misinterpreted something you've said and it's causing grief just explain yourself and get it straightened out." So if there's anyone that reads this that I have said something that is troubling you, please let me know so we can straighten it out!!

superstitious? Who me? nahhhh


Blogger Irish Divinity said...

You get to watch him the 21st!! Remember!!

11:54 AM  

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