Monday, July 25, 2005

Tequila makes her clothes fall off. . . . .

well, I'm not entirely sure what the name of this song really is, but it was playing and I don't know about anyone else but I can relate! I know I shouldn't admit that to the masses, but (when not pregnant) I have to avoid tequila!
Last night I was sitting on the couch eating cereal [I am currently having cereal for at least 2 meals a day!] with Mr. Divinity and watching TV. We could here our two lovely daughters in the kitchen fighting and I calmly requested he make them stop. So he hollers something at them (big help!!) and a few minutes later our oldest walks into the living room completely disgusted and says "Mom! I took a perfectly clean new spoon out of the drawer and sat it on the counter beside my bowl and she 'LICKED IT', 'LICKED IT'!!!" Now mind you I had just taken a rather large bite of corn pops w/milk and at the end of her sentence all I could do was try desperately not to laugh and spit my mouthful out all over the living room! My husband is looking at me trying really hard not to laugh at me, and our precious daughter is looking (and rightfully so I must say) quite disgusted with me - and also trying not to laugh at me. She realizes it will be a bit before I can compose myself and her father isn't going to help her so she stomps out. As I finally get it under control from the other room Katlynn (the oldest) yells, "Mom aren't you at least going to get her in trouble!!!" Ok, luckily I did not have another mouthful of cereal yet, because the laughing was only reignited with this plea!!
I know I'm terrible.
So I holler for the little miss to hightail her little tush into the living room and explain herself. You'll love her defense [Always remember a good defense is a better offense] she says "but mom, she licked MY spoon first". Ok, so lets just leave it at this, neither of my children actually got into trouble for the spoon licking - their mother found it too funny!
After they both had walked off I looked at Mr. Divinity and said "that little one gets those things from you!" He then starts laughing and says, "Oh no, I can totally see you doing that to your sister when you were little!!" Ok, so maybe he's right.
Have you heard, the Redneck Diva has made it to the finals in the Miss RSJS pageant the final voting begins Wednesday at midnight so everyone should remember to go and vote for her, she really, really, really wants this.
I had to go to the store at lunch to buy a birthday present for my friend's little boy whose party is tonight [can you spell procrastinator - actually I was just broke until today!] and my point is I had to go ahead and by the new Harry Potter book. Ok I could try and tell you that it was only for my daughter, but it'd be a lie! Yes she does like the books and does want this one to complete her hardback collection (she used her own money to buy at least 2 of them and received the others from us at Christmas and/or bday) but I just couldn't wait to read it. Isn't that silly? Oh well, there's my confession for the week!
Well apparently I am long winded today, but I have a rearload of work to do so I had better get to it.

Have a wonderful day!


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Hey, at least your kids just licked each others' spoons - when Sam was littler he just licked Abby one day for no reason. Just licked her. She nearly died.

I am just dying for the new HP book. I own them all in hardcover and NO they are not the childrens' books. If they want them when they get older, they can buy them. These are Momma's!! I might let them borrow them someday but it will require a hefty deposit up front and a fair amount of collateral as well.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Irish Divinity said...

You crack me up! Walmart has the hp book for $15.68. I was going to get it at books a million cuz I have that stupid card, but it was going to be a little higher so I just got it a walmart.
Kiersten licks katlynn all the time to gross her out. It's really embarrassing when she does it in public and katlynn hollers "she licked me!!"

4:33 PM  
Blogger ~ A P R I L ~ said...

Spoon licking..... I would NEVER do that. Well, unless there was chocolate involved!

MWH has finished the new HP book, she knows who dies and who the half blood prince is. It's so good, she's reading # 4 again so she can be prepared for the movie coming out in November!!

9:56 AM  
Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

I just can't get into Harry Potter. Give me a Civil War romance and I'm good to go.

Natalie has never "licked" Bryce but she did puke one day and stuck her finger in it and licked it to make him puke. It WORKED!

3:32 PM  

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