Friday, September 23, 2005

Another day in my world

Ok, I have a new stressor. Not really a stressor, I just feel torn. Everyone is so adamant about breastfeeding. I think it's wonderful, I know it's good for the baby, I know it's highly recommended, and all the other stuff. I just don't think it's for me and herein lies my problem. The guilt I am feeling for not being a 100% I'm going to breastfeed person. I didn't with my first two, I smoked etc. and feared harming them by not doing something right and yet breastfeeding so I didn't. Now I haven't smoked in 6 1/2 years, and I keep telling myself I should really want to do this, I'm being selfish for not wanting to do it and all. And yet I can't convince myself that it's the route I want to take. Am I horrible? Ok, that was rhetorical (if you're going to be mean) I've met with a lactation consultant and we discussed how I feel about it and she said that choosing to bottle feed is ok, they have formulas now that are a very good remake of breastmilk. She said that lots of mothers don't choose to breastfeed, etc. so how come I still feel guilty.
Well I guess I still have around 14 weeks to stew over it......all things come in do time.


Blogger Shannon said...

Hi Divinity!
Don't feel guilty at all! I tried w/Brady, but I had a c-section, I was uncomfortable and finally called down to the nurses and told them to bring me a bottle.
With this baby I will have another c-section, but I want to try to nurse -not guaranteeing it will work, but if it does work I will probably only do it for a month or two. I guess we'll see, it may not work at all. Don't feel guilty though! If you won't, I won't. :)

3:46 PM  
Blogger ~ A P R I L ~ said...

Breastfeeding is important but it's not necessarily better than bottle feeding.

It's a tough call either way, benefits and drawbacks, but either way it's YOUR decision and NO ONE should make you feel bad about either choice. This kid is gonna be loved whether he's on a tit or not.

10:32 PM  
Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

Ahhh...the hormones are kicking in and the guilt is in over-drive. You'll do what's right at the time. You can plan one way or the other but you just never know for sure until the baby gets here. I have a friend who is a lactation consultant and she is VERY good if you still need someone to talk to.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Irish Divinity said...

Thank you everybody, I so needed that!

10:40 AM  
Blogger Redneck Diva said...

I tried desperately to breastfeed Abby but we discovered (after many many tears and screams of frustration) that she has an unusually high palette (pallet, pallete - aw hell, the thing in the roof of your mouth). The child couldn't latch on for anything. We tried shields, we tried a supplemental feeder and it got to where she would scream when she'd see my breast (first person to ever do that ,lol) and one day after I cried myself into throwing up, Paul was at his wit's end and my mother was fit to be tied, Mom walked out of the kitchen, took Abby from me and said, "I'm giving this baby a bottle. Now go take a nap." And you know what, she was fine from that point on. Sam was voracious and would've nursed forEVER (ew, gross thought) but I couldn't keep up with him wanting to suck on me constantly and trying to keep up with a 2 year old so I switched him to the bottle after a few months. Kady was supposed to be the easy one. I was bound and determined to breastfeed that child until she was one but she hated it, I hated it and we quit after a few weeks. I have never regretted any of the decisions I made. Well, I felt sort of guilty over making Abby scream like that, but what I'm saying is - my mental and physical health and the health and well-being of my children was far more important to me than anyone's opinion of me if I chose to bottle feed. Just do what feels right. And if anyone makes a snarky remark you just tell them that your babysitter is really mean and will kick their ass.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Irish Divinity said...

Thank you Diva!

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bottem line... if your lazy and cheap~~ breast feeding is for you~ there is nothing like it~ you dont have to totally wake up in the middle of the night! You dont have to buy it!!! I would not have done anything else~ but I am Lazy and Cheap!!!

4:01 PM  

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