Friday, September 02, 2005

Time is of the essence . . . .

Well not really, but it sounded intriguing! I am way swamped here at work and should by no means be taking the time to do this, but I am ready to throttle my boss so I figured maybe a quickie (kidding, just kidding) a quick release of pent up anger onto my ever so understanding blog would help. And if not well I might be looking for a new employer, due to my mouth overriding my brain everytime here lately and my snitty replies ooozing out.

I do not know if I have mentioned previously, but I work in a law office and we do a LOT of bankruptcy. Well since certain people who get paid entirely too much money to make really asinine decisions and put them into law have now decided to turn the bankruptcy laws upside down as of October 17 my job has become a real pain in the a--! Everyone has heard of these changes for months, but suddenly it is September and they have all realized that "hey, maybe I should go ahead and take bankruptcy now since later it might not be an option". Which is good for my boss because let me tell you it is not cheap to file, but sucks for me because guess who does the actual work?!?!?! If it takes you more than one guess you are soooo outta here!

Well it is now a couple of hours later than when I posted above and I am no closer to being caught up than I was then. But, hey there's always Tuesday!

I found this new drink it sounds pretty gross, but it is SOOOOOOOOOO good. We went to eat at this awesome burger place in Belton, MO a couple of weeks ago and the only none caffeine drink they had was SoBe Lean Cranberry Grapefruit so I tried it. I loved it. So since then I have been looking for it everywhere that carries the Sobe drinks, but to no avail. Finally, today I go to a convenience store on 4th street that I never go to and guess what - they had it!!!!! I bought 2 bottles, would've bought more, but they only had 2!! I also ran into a friend of my husband and I's that I haven't seen in ages, he lives in KS (only about 30minutes away) but we never see him anymore. So we visited and it was great!

My mom had to go have her Gallbladder removed this morning, apparently she went to the ER two nights ago in total pain and then went back last night and they said they were taking it out today. She was done with surgery by 10 am and it was the laproscopy(sp?) and they are sending her home tonight.

My boss just came in and I said "so we are closing early tonight right?" and he laughed and goes "Did I say that?" I said "yeah, since I've had a week with a crap load full of your crazy clients" and his reply was "boy I don't know with 10 bk's to do" and then laughs and says "we'll think about it" and I said "yeah you will think about it as you are on your way to take a nap" because he actually was on his way to lay down for a bit (I am so paying for a law degree!!!). So I was right he has a split personality, or maybe there's a mouse in his pocket. I asked him that one day cuz he is always saying we rather than I. You should have seen the look of confusion when I said "what you have a mouse in your pocket?" I had to explain and he laughed really hard.

Well I really must get busy on those files they will be screaming soon! Have a wonderful holiday weekend and fill those boots (the firemen on the street corners collecting for charity), or call those hotlines (not the sexlines the charity lines) or donate in someway to those in need.
Speaking of, a friend of ours is in the National Guard and his unit was called to active duty yesterday morning and he was supposed to be finding out where they were sending him. Last year he had just gotten back from Afghanistan after being there quite awhile. He's been in the guard for years and never called to duty more than to deal with the flooding in Miami and in the past couple of years he's been called active to major places three times. Well anyway keep him in your prayers, please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:50 PM  
Blogger ~ A P R I L ~ said...

oh, you've been spammed. not cool.

the mouse in your pocket got me. lol

Naps? don't I wish we did that in MY office!!!!!!!

11:01 PM  
Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

Just woke up from my nap at my desk and thought I'd check out your blog...just kidding.

I wish I could claim bankruptcy, Jason just found out he doesn't qualify for the student loan payback program and we now owe $19,000.00 in student loans!!

1:08 PM  
Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Everyone in my office takes naps except me! Of course, they are all under four years old, but it's still not fair!!

1:27 PM  

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