Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Whiney Wednesday

I really do not have anything to whine about today. I guess I could list the usual suspects, but I really do not feel like it. With everything that is going on with the aftermath of the hurricane, reading about people having troubles having babies, friends being called to active duty etc., I'm feeling pretty blessed and way to humble to whine today.

SOOOOOO, I will be frivolous in another way. I am so looking forward to fall/winter. Not only because I am hoping the cooling off and freezing will put a hold on my miseries of allergies and no nasal decongestants, but I am wanting the smells and the colors and the ooey gooey ness of it.

My daughter's best friend's bday is this weekend, so we have his party to go to on Saturday. Then Sunday I've been invited to spend money (that I do not have) at a Home & Garden Party. Then next weekend, my mom wants us to go to the State Fair in Tulsa with her, she said she'd pay for the kids' bracelets so I said I'd drive them there. Then the following weekend my bf is having a baby shower for me!! (I'm very excited) Then the weekend of the 1st I'll be going to my nephew's bday party in KC. and the weekend of the 15th we are planning a family outing to Silver Dollar City. Busy, Busy. Fun though. Then of course it's Halloween time. My youngest is already planning her Halloween costume, she is so torn on what she wants to be. She has been mulling this over for a month. lol. We will be going to a costume party for family night at our church. We usually let them trick or treat a little and then head over to the church. My oldest daughter (and yes I said daughter) wants to be a pirate - sword and all!! She cracks me up. That of course leads us into November which will start my 8th month!!! and November is getting ready for Thanksgiving and the school programs and all! I want to take the kids on the Christmas Train again this year in Dry Gulch. I think it starts the last weekend of November. Last year we got there late and had to leave early so this year I want to go on time and let them enjoy it. We usually go to the city for Thanksgiving, but with me only having 4 weeks left then I guess we will have to see what the Dr. says.

I have started my Christmas shopping. Granted I have only actually bought 3 gifts, but it is 3 less that I have to purchase now. I absolutely love Christmas shopping. Our girls recieve gifts on their birthdays and Christmas, we do not buy toys and such throughout the year. If they want something they have to save their birthday money or chore money. So come Christmas time I enjoy buying them things and in turn they enjoying recieving things and hopefully appreciate things more since they do not get things constantly throughout the year. And I have 4 nieces and 2 nephews that are all younger so it is fun getting to buy toys for them. Used to I would have my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. Gradually it got to where I go shopping the day after Thanksgiving while in KC and finish up a week or so before Christmas. Either way I'm sure I spend to much. Last year, or maybe the year before our family and my bf's family sponsored a single mother w/4 kids, who worked and was a good mom and trying had, but didn't have much and we took her a bunch of gifts, my girls picked a couple of their presents each and then I bought some other stuff. I would really like to be able to do that again this year, but with the baby coming it's going to be a little tighter.

Red Eye is on at the movies and I really want to go see it. However, I really don't think I should see it with my daughters, so I guess I will wait til it is out on DVD and rent it. Yesterday I was going to watch Monster In Law and Katlynn said but mom I can't watch it, it's PG-13. I said K it's alright if you watch it with me and she acted like I was crazy for saying she could watch a PG-13 movie. Here's the funny part - she then took the remote and turned it to CSI, her favorite show. Now if you do not watch CSI I am pretty sure that it more than beats a PG-13 movie in content! And I probably shouldn't allow her to watch it, but she loves it and I guess it can be considered kind of educational. A little.

Well I have probably babbled on long enough, I have been writing this in spurts and should probably call it a day.

Have a wonderful evening.


Blogger ~ A P R I L ~ said...

OMG, we whined to each other all day and NOW you have NOTHING to write about. That is so wrong.

Christmas shopping in September, sorry, I think that's illegal in Oklahoma.

Katlynn watching CSI, MWH does too, she is really into it. Tonight there was the hockey episode on and it had a lot of sex, I am so grateful MWH wasn't watching THAT one. Yesterday we saw one that had some extreme violence and a very visual suicide, so not PG-13.

7:35 PM  
Blogger Irish Divinity said...

Yep, I guess I got all whined out IMing and didn't save it for the blog!!! There's always next week! We watched the hockey one last night and when the girl attacked the guy K turned her head, covered her eyes going ewwwwwww, ewwwwwww,ewwwwwwwww!! It was rather funny!!!

9:22 AM  
Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

CSI is it should be ok for kids to watch. Well, except for the language, nudity, violence, and horrible deaths, it's a great family show. We watch it at our house all the time.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I took my 10 yr old son to see Red Eye. The only thing really was violence and some language. Should be ok! LOL

I want to go to the Christmas train this year too. We didn't go last year.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Redneck Diva said...

And my sister thinks I'm awful for letting my kids watch Lost. Oh but wait, she's that weird No SpongeBob mom. Nevermind.

We usually go to SDC at Christmastime, but this year none of us had the money for our usual season passes. So we're going to the Christmas Train as well. We went one year when Gent was oh like a month old, Abby started running a fever when we got there, Addison and Sam whined, Paul and I fought and Mom swore she'd never go with us again. Hopefully this year will be better. Hopefully.

7:59 PM  

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