Thursday, September 15, 2005

Much ado about nothing. . . .

Well I have not posted since Monday, I have been way busy here at the office. Everyone is in a panic that the bankruptcy laws are changing soon. I had a lady call today that said she needed to talk to the attorney about bankruptcy, I said ok, I'll have him call you, her reply was "I need to do this asap, the bankruptcy laws are changing and there is a deadline" I thought NO SH-- lady, I would not have had any idea had you not so enlightened me. Thanks for the update. And you really gotta wonder how often people think before they speak. I have people call and get really catty with my and the whole while (that is if I don't hang up on them) I'm thinking "You know the only way the attorneys here are getting a message is if I give it to them, so you would think that you would realize that if you want your message passed along you'd be nicer to me!" People are stupid. SO MANY people are stupid.

Enough job rants, I guess, unless of course I remember some other stupid comment made comes to mind.
This weekend should be fun. My SIL invited me and my daughters on a girls weekend at her sister's lake house. So it will be us three, my SIL and her daughter and her sister and her daughter. We are going to go outlet shopping (I am broke so will not be buying anything-which bites) and then if it is warm enough we will let the children swim and then just hang out. No men allowed. I can not wait, my niece has started walking since we saw them the first part of August and she is really little so it is inevitable that it will be the cutest thing ever!
My 6 year olds bf is a boy, he is also my bf's son. They have went to school together since 3yr old preschool. I take them both to school in the mornings and drop them off. Well for those of you that do not know my child, it doesn't occur to her that she is not the center of the universe and a full blown diva she is! So anyway, she gets out of the car in the morning and either 'lets' him close the door for her or she demands that it is her turn and he is to wait on her. This morning she flipped when he turned and stepped away from the van, she thought he was going in without her!! BIG no-no! And the good little man he is he just waits on her. She hollers "JUSTIN" and he stops and waits, granted he does huff and roll his eyes, but he waits just the same. I've tried to curb this with her, and she isn't mean, she adores him, but I'm thinking she is going to be the biggest pain in the but to her future boyfriends if she already understands the ordering thing, and in turn he will be the sweetest boyfriend to someone!

Well, I am ready to go home so ta for now. Have a wonderful evening!


Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

That girl is GRREEAATT!! Already got the bossing thing down. He will be all primed and ready for his own Diva girlfriend in about 10 years (that is if her highness doesn't turn him gay first).

8:55 AM  
Blogger ~ A P R I L ~ said...

Poor Justin..... does he deserve such punishment!? LOL

7:17 AM  

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