Thursday, October 06, 2005

How do you mend a broken heart?

Not mine. Worse. My oldest daughter (she's only 10) had asked me a month or so ago if she could have a boyfriend. I said yes, but no kissing. I didn't think to much of it, thought it was cute and then put it to the back of my mind thinking it wouldn't be something that happened soon. Well, I was wrong. She's had this boyfriend now for a few weeks. No big deal. He even asked her to go to the Valentine's dance. Crazy I know.

Well she comes home yesterday and tells me her boyfriend broke up with her and she is trying to keep the tears at bay. He didn't give her a reason, just did it. (I didn't have the heart to tell her that that part won't change much even as she gets older, they never want to give a reason!) She was so upset and said, but mom he asked me to the Valentine's Dance.

I know it isn't a big deal and she'll be past it before I realize it, but me issue is that if at 10 she takes it this hard that her first boyfriend broke up with her imagine her reaction at 14 or 16 will be. Because come on you know as well as I do that at 14 & 16 you think that things are unquestionably life altering and you'll never recover!

So, I feel that so I am prepared in the future I must know how to mend her broken heart, how to be sympathetic with out egging on her poor me status, how not to say mean things about all boys, etc.

In typing this I just realized I'm pregnant with a boy (ok so I've actually known this, lol, but I mean it hit me in the context I was writing) and I have to say this kid doesn't have a chance! He will be required to tell any girl he dumps why he's doing it!!

Now my youngest daughter she'll be the dumper, I'll probably have to institute the "at least give them a reason" clause with her too. The little diva. She should be fairly amusing to watch torment the boys. I know, I know, I can laugh now but she'll be my biggest fears realized when she's a teenager!

So I'm off for now, have a good evening.........

p.s. if you know me and/or my daughter lets keep it between us that I wrote about it here, she would die a thousand deaths and hate me forever if she knew about this blog containing her stuff (she doesn't even know about the blog)!


Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

Poor Girl. It's only gonna get worse. I feel sorry for her. BOYS SUCK!

1:16 PM  
Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

My 10-year-old son has a girlfriend. Shh.
He won't even tell his dad about her. SHE asked him to be her boyfriend. Twice. She has liked him since 1st grade. Now they are in 5th. When he talks about her, his little ears get red.

The other day he pulled a scribbled scrap of paper from his pocket. "Well, look what was handed to me on the playground," he sighed. It was her phone number and said, "Call me."

We got home and he said, "Well, I guess I'll go call her." He acted like it was a chore. I told him only 5 minutes. I think he was relieved. I asked him if they walk around on the playground. No. Do they talk at lunch? No. In the classroom? No. "So," I told him, "You pretty much ignore each other?" "Yeah."
He will be heartbroken if she breaks up with him. And he doesn't really even like her.

8:15 PM  
Blogger Babs said...

My son got his first love at the age of 7 and she was 8. She liked him; but, she wasn't as crazy for him as he was for her. It seems she had already been crazy for another boy. She and her family were only staying here temporarily. After six months into the relationship she moved back to Boston; this was January. He was heartbroken. Here it is October and he still talks about her and carries her picture in his wallet. We gave him all the speeches of how girls come and go; he will meet someone new, etc. If something pulls on his heart, it will still bring him to tears.

I don't have the answers. I know it has helped not making light of it and validating his feelings as being real.

8:13 AM  

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