Friday, October 21, 2005

Howdy Stranger!

How is everyone? My apologies for not being a better blogger. My only excuses are being swamped and being boring!!!

Yes, swamped at work. The bankruptcy law change caused a major surge of business and since my boss has me take care of pretty much everything bankruptcy, my life was HELL! I ended up working a few hours on the 8th (Saturday) and the 9th (Sunday) and then again on the 15th (Saturday) just to get everything done!! It was insanity!

Hey, well looky there I got my whining in and it's not even Wednesday!!!

We're having an Octoberfest at our church tomorrow. It's a really big thing. It's at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church from 11 - 5. There are all of the blow up rides (the large blow up slides, moonwalk, boxing ring, bungy run, fighting thing) , cakewalk, games, live entertainment, bratwurst, brisket, lots of other foods, bake sale, craft booths, and a car show. I've probably forgotten something, but you get the gist!

My sweet little 6 year old won the coloring contest and so she gets her bracelet ($8) for free and I only have to pay 1/2 price for her sister! She was so excited, really thought it was a big deal! You should've seen her pretty little head expanding!!

As for my boring status, well I guess that's the life of a pregnant woman! I've been swelling ALOT and I had to do that 3hr test for gestational diabetes Tuesday and they've notified me that it was positive - which sucks on many levels, mostly the whole sugar being bad issue! I have to go next Wednesday to the nutritionist to get a diet plan, meter, and such! Right before Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! geez I've got some good timing!! I didn't have it with either of my other two pregnancies so I'm a little weirded out by it. My other two were large babies without it and I keep reading that the main concern with gestational diabetes is the baby being overly large!!! and that's with women that otherwise have small or normal sized babies and my last was 9 lbs 1 oz. 22 inches so what does that mean for me!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH!
I've also been told they might have me have him early do to this so that might mean a December baby rather than a New Year's baby. I have a lot of questions for my ob come Wednesday!!! I will be 30 weeks and 3 days on that visit.

I have some really great pics of my kids in their Halloween costumes - the oldest is a corpse bride and the youngest cat woman. They had a dress up party last Sunday and they looked soooo cute! My bf's kids went to and they were wonderwoman and spiderman - you should've seen how cute the four of them were! I am planning on going to get some prints tonight so I'll try and post some on Monday. I can't find my cord to hook my digital to the computer so I'll have to scan them.

On a funny note, last night my 6 year old climbed into my bed (she was way over tired and wanted to sleep in my bed) and she says "momma, could you please not snore tonight?" and I was like I would love to be able to control it hon, but mommy can't breathe through her nose right now so it's kinda hard. Her reply was "well could ya try and sleep with you mouth closed or maybe snore quieter!" and then she must've thought she made me feel bad because she patted my shoulder and said "at least dad's sleeping on the couch, he snores louder than you."


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

OH NO!!! Not gestational diabetes!! That has GOT to suck rocks, girl.

So you might have that Christmas baby after all!! There's just something about them saying you're going to have the New Year's baby that makes you do something to NOT have it. The ones who actually do have the NY baby are probably due in like March or something! lol

Hang in there, Snorey Smurf! I totally remember that feeling. It's miserable.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

I had gestational diabetes with both my kids. And, I found out this time of year. Right before Halloween. My kid was due Dec. 12, and he was born on...Dec.12.

They made me go for the non-stress test every week, and did ultrasounds all the time. The doc thought he was going to be over 11 pounds. Nope. 7lb 14oz. He was all wrinkly like an old man, and the nurses said he looked like he should have been born 2 weeks earlier.

Stabbing my fingers 4 times a day was not fun, but the end product was worth it. With the first, I really had to watch the sugar. Even a few extra pretzels made it shoot up. With the second, I had to watch it from going too low, especially overnight. He was born 2 and a half weeks early at 7lb 10oz. can never really predict what is going to happen.

Sorry to take up so much space with my boring story. My kids love those blow-up rides. They will wait in line for 30 minutes for a 10-second ride.

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!

Small Town Starlit

4:19 PM  
Blogger MamaKBear said...

Think of it this least you can get pregnant! I've tried for the better part of the last 12 years, I'd love the CHANCE to have gestational diabetes.

But anyway, I know it ain't good, so take care of yourself, ok?

As far as kids go...they say the darndest things, don't they? :)

10:53 PM  
Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

My sister had that. My niece was born 9 weeks early and was the biggest NIC baby ever at OKC Children's Hospt. I just do NOT see how you are going to make it that long. I know everyone tells you and you get tired of hearing but your huge. In the nicest possible way that is! Just your tummy. You KNOW what I mean.

1:40 PM  

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