Monday, April 03, 2006

Follow the yellow brick road. . .

I sure wish someone would point me to it. But of course there is no scarecrow or tinman to lead me on my way so maybe I'll go buy some of those sparkly red shoes and tap my freakin' heels!
Think it'll work? Yeah, me neither.

I guess you could say that I am in a funk of sorts, not a bad mood, not a depressed mood, just a wanna get on the road and get something done kinda mood.

I really need to find another job. I am spinning my wheels here. I do enjoy my job and could not ask for a better boss. The problem is I have to drive so far every morning and afternoon that between the money spent on fuel and the additional hour and 15 minutes drive time, it's just not financially (or emotionally) worth it. And yet I feel so torn about finding something else. I did take the tests and submit the application and such for the probation & parole register and would jump at that, but alas I have heard nothing from them. And so I went to school for all that time to do something I am interested in and good at only to sit and fret over what kind of job to look for while I wait.

Ok, I'll quit whining. For. Now.

My little Kael is so sweet his smile just melts me. And to watch the girls with him makes me feel so complete. Sappy and just plain goofy I know, but watching him look at them with such awe when they are down in his face talking or holding him has to be about the best feeling I've ever felt.

I have some more pics to post so I guess I'll go work on them now.


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