Friday, May 26, 2006

Mom, what's a milestone?

That was the question put to me by my youngest after the diva looked at her eldest and to quelsh that child's look of disdain said "hey, it's a milestone!".

Now the important part, THE milestone. Today for the first time my sweet little boy reached, yes purposefully reached for someone to take him!! And guess what? Give up? It. wasn't. me.
And had it been anyone other than the
diva I probably would've cried. It was so sweet. I was dropping him off this morning and kind of held him up and she was talking to him, when he did the lunging thing, well I kinda pulled him back and she put out her hands and the little stink stuck out his arms at her and lunged. Grinning that one toothed grin all the while! We of course ahhhhed and ohhhhed really loudly and were all excited and her eldest and my youngest were like, "what?" they weren't so impressed.

Well that's my limited baby news for the day. I'll hopefully get the time to get some new pics posted soon.



Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

First of all, congratulations on the job!

When I used to pick up my oldest from daycare, he would scream and run away from me. This continued through ages 2, 3, and 4. He would even call me HER name at home. And tell me he wished I could cook like 'Vicki' did.

He reached his own milestone yesterday. He said, "Mom...I have hairs in my armpit." He is 11. This is a big deal in Middle School. I've had kids in class ask other ones, "Do you have armpit hairs?"

5:56 PM  
Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

Don't tell Mr.Coach he reached for someone else, he'll be crushed! I still have Kael's bag. Right now we have our 14 yr old Cale at our house, I'd trade ya! But then you'd never speak to me again......

11:51 AM  

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