Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Oh thank you for the memories. . . . .

Baby divinity woke up between 3:30 and 4:00 am this morning, not for a bottle, but for a belly ache. The poor little thing was miserable and he wanted everyone within a 5 mile radius to join him in his misery! He has never (ok, I know that he is only 4 1/2 months old so never really isn't very long -) cried and carried on for as long as he did this morning. I tried everything, even giving him to his dad in hopes that I could go back to sleep and dad could figure out the problem and help him. Yeah, didn't really work. Quit. Laughing.
So after trying everything (I won't go into the lovely details), and dad going outside to smoke cause his nerves were wearing thin, he finally calmed - the baby, not the dad. Anyway my point to this is that I was then trying frantically to get ready for work because even though I had been up since 4am I had been dealing w/baby and was getting around late so Katlynn was ready and playing w/him and decided he needed a diaper. She asked could she change it even though she knew it wasn't just pee, of course I said yes only something funny could come of it. So a couple of seconds into the great diaper change (with kiersten in the sidelines watching with anticipation) I hear, "ewwww, ewwww, oh man, MOM, MOM, MOOOOOOOM." I came out of the bathroom laughing to see her with one hand holding his feet in the air above his diaper and the other hand holding her nose. Kael of course was laying there with a HUGE toothless grin looking from her to me. I said, "What's wrong?" She's like, "Mom you have to take him it's too gross. Can't you SMELL it? I thought I could do it, I just didn't realize it was that bad." So through my laughter I take his feet and watch her flee, wondering how long I have before he decides the open air means it's time to pee freely. I was cleaning him up and removed the diaper to find she had put a wipe under his diaper and a diaper right next to it, when I asked about the wipe she said it was there so he wouldn't get anything on the blanket. Always thinking ahead, that one.

I know most of you will not find this nearly as funny as I did, but the whole point of this is for posterity right? and so, with this post I am hoping to show kael when he gets older that his big sister loved him so much she was (almost) willing to change his dirty diapers.


Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

I swear I didn't feed him anything when I had him! He slept the entire time! Sorry he felt so crappy....I'm sure Katlyn wouldn't find that remark funny, but I did. I can just see her face!

9:03 AM  
Blogger Irish Divinity said...

Jen - what is gripe water? Yeah, by 7:30 I was dragging pretty hard and then the little bugger woke up at 3:30 this morning wanting to hang out and play! Got him to go back to sleep around 4ish only to have him wake up again at 5:30 gassy! and all he had the night before was formula! So I figure by mid-afternoon I'll be a zombie!! oh well, like you say he'll be out of it before I know it and I'll miss it.
Mrscoach - sure, I believe you!! lol I find it funny too, I just won't tell her!! I have to get new batteries in my camera I would've loved to have gotten that pic before I took him from her!

9:44 AM  

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