Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Mother's Day (ok so it's a day late!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was nice. We went to church and then drove to Joplin to meet my aunt, nanny, dad, etc. for lunch at the Rib Crib. We had to wait almost an hour, but oddly enough it wasn't a bad wait (even with 2 kids) we were able to have a nice visit while waiting. And dinner was good. After dinner we went to Lowe's - just me, hubby, and kids - and got a shrub and tomato plants for nanny and shrubs and tomato plants for our yard. Went home and I piddled around the house while hubby and kids planted stuff in the yard, then I took my history final (WHICH I PASSED WITH A SOLID B!!!), then I cleaned and we rearranged the living room to put the new tv in there. All in all it was a wonderfully productive day!!
Today we have (ok, just the short kid, not actually me) dance then Katlynn has a softball game at 7:30pm. Late evening games during the week drive me crazy! It's not so bad once school is out, but when school is still in it makes it hard to get baths and such and then the mornings are usually full of whining and such!! Oh well, only 8 more days of school for the kiddies!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO count 'em - TWO finals left and then I am DONE!!!! I am a very happy individual!!!
I have GRADUATION practice tomorrow afternoon - this is in hopes that we won't trip on stage I guess! Then Thursday night is Kiersten's graduation and Friday night is Chloe's dance recital and of course (this as always is for the Diva) my graduation is on Saturday morning!!!!! {I picked up my cap and gown today!! If you can imagine I forgot to last week!!! oops!} Then I guess we are going to go to KC for the night so that we can attend my husband's uncle's 70th (?not sure on the age) bday party. And the week starts again!!! Ok I probably should not have detailed my week like that because now I am a little shook about how busy this week is going to be!!!
Now on to other things...........
Having to wait until the 25th of May to go to my first DR. appointment may drive me a little crazy!!! So any baby name ideas, or should I just listen to the redneck and call her diva !And I say her loosely since we really don't know the sex yet.
I just noticed earlier when I was thinking about the baby in my thoughts I was referring to it as 'her', maybe that's just habit since I have two girls already.
I have also noticed that I seem to be growing increasingly hostile!! A couple of times I have caught myself, when listening to clients, wanting to yell at them or throw something to make them SHUT UP! I have as of yet been able to control this urge, I don't know what I'll do if it gets very much worse!?!?! Will I be able to hold my tongue!!! My boss just laughs at me!
[for those of you who do not know me, a clue as to my temperment is that I have red hair, now for the most part I am a very calm and patient person that holds my temper in complete check, I feel I am losing this control]
Well I have probably babbled on enough for now, so I am going to get back to work. Everyone have a wonderful day!


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Ach, temper was shot by the time I got to baby #3! I was more irrational and a complete emotional wreck that first trimester! Hang in there and trust me, it'll be a much saner pregnancy once you get rolling. I don't know if it's our body's way of saying "Woahhhhhhh hold it. What the hell do you think you're DOING??" or what, but I know the first trimester was definitely harder on me the third time.

I will have to say that my pregnancy with Kady was better altogether. I'm not sure my mother and sister would agree, but I felt more complete and together that time. I was a looney at times too, but that's a right all pregnant women have, right?

Gosh, I want another one SO BAD! Really really really bad. I told Paul the other day that not only is my biological clock ticking, the freakin' alarm is going off and I can't seem to hit the snooze this time!

What? You're graduating? Naw....really? (Just had to throw that in for kicks and giggles)

6:19 PM  

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