Monday, October 31, 2005

The funniest thing. . .

A part of my job is answering creditor's calls confirming bankruptcy of our clients. So I answered one a few minutes ago (and mind you these calls are annoying, but I try really hard to be nice give the info and get on with my day) and the girl asks about the client and I tell her yes she is one of P's clients and that I do not have her information he is telling creditor's to call the BK court. No big deal she says ok. I say she has already filed and the girl is like "ok, well we thought she was still paying his retainer". So she fine, I'm being nice and she goes "and, what is your name?" I reply "Stormie" and she "yeah, ok, way to be professional" and hangs up on me. I'm thinking, now what did I say that was rude or uncalled for and then I realize she didn't believe me that that was my name!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Howdy Stranger!

How is everyone? My apologies for not being a better blogger. My only excuses are being swamped and being boring!!!

Yes, swamped at work. The bankruptcy law change caused a major surge of business and since my boss has me take care of pretty much everything bankruptcy, my life was HELL! I ended up working a few hours on the 8th (Saturday) and the 9th (Sunday) and then again on the 15th (Saturday) just to get everything done!! It was insanity!

Hey, well looky there I got my whining in and it's not even Wednesday!!!

We're having an Octoberfest at our church tomorrow. It's a really big thing. It's at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church from 11 - 5. There are all of the blow up rides (the large blow up slides, moonwalk, boxing ring, bungy run, fighting thing) , cakewalk, games, live entertainment, bratwurst, brisket, lots of other foods, bake sale, craft booths, and a car show. I've probably forgotten something, but you get the gist!

My sweet little 6 year old won the coloring contest and so she gets her bracelet ($8) for free and I only have to pay 1/2 price for her sister! She was so excited, really thought it was a big deal! You should've seen her pretty little head expanding!!

As for my boring status, well I guess that's the life of a pregnant woman! I've been swelling ALOT and I had to do that 3hr test for gestational diabetes Tuesday and they've notified me that it was positive - which sucks on many levels, mostly the whole sugar being bad issue! I have to go next Wednesday to the nutritionist to get a diet plan, meter, and such! Right before Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! geez I've got some good timing!! I didn't have it with either of my other two pregnancies so I'm a little weirded out by it. My other two were large babies without it and I keep reading that the main concern with gestational diabetes is the baby being overly large!!! and that's with women that otherwise have small or normal sized babies and my last was 9 lbs 1 oz. 22 inches so what does that mean for me!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH!
I've also been told they might have me have him early do to this so that might mean a December baby rather than a New Year's baby. I have a lot of questions for my ob come Wednesday!!! I will be 30 weeks and 3 days on that visit.

I have some really great pics of my kids in their Halloween costumes - the oldest is a corpse bride and the youngest cat woman. They had a dress up party last Sunday and they looked soooo cute! My bf's kids went to and they were wonderwoman and spiderman - you should've seen how cute the four of them were! I am planning on going to get some prints tonight so I'll try and post some on Monday. I can't find my cord to hook my digital to the computer so I'll have to scan them.

On a funny note, last night my 6 year old climbed into my bed (she was way over tired and wanted to sleep in my bed) and she says "momma, could you please not snore tonight?" and I was like I would love to be able to control it hon, but mommy can't breathe through her nose right now so it's kinda hard. Her reply was "well could ya try and sleep with you mouth closed or maybe snore quieter!" and then she must've thought she made me feel bad because she patted my shoulder and said "at least dad's sleeping on the couch, he snores louder than you."

Thursday, October 06, 2005

How do you mend a broken heart?

Not mine. Worse. My oldest daughter (she's only 10) had asked me a month or so ago if she could have a boyfriend. I said yes, but no kissing. I didn't think to much of it, thought it was cute and then put it to the back of my mind thinking it wouldn't be something that happened soon. Well, I was wrong. She's had this boyfriend now for a few weeks. No big deal. He even asked her to go to the Valentine's dance. Crazy I know.

Well she comes home yesterday and tells me her boyfriend broke up with her and she is trying to keep the tears at bay. He didn't give her a reason, just did it. (I didn't have the heart to tell her that that part won't change much even as she gets older, they never want to give a reason!) She was so upset and said, but mom he asked me to the Valentine's Dance.

I know it isn't a big deal and she'll be past it before I realize it, but me issue is that if at 10 she takes it this hard that her first boyfriend broke up with her imagine her reaction at 14 or 16 will be. Because come on you know as well as I do that at 14 & 16 you think that things are unquestionably life altering and you'll never recover!

So, I feel that so I am prepared in the future I must know how to mend her broken heart, how to be sympathetic with out egging on her poor me status, how not to say mean things about all boys, etc.

In typing this I just realized I'm pregnant with a boy (ok so I've actually known this, lol, but I mean it hit me in the context I was writing) and I have to say this kid doesn't have a chance! He will be required to tell any girl he dumps why he's doing it!!

Now my youngest daughter she'll be the dumper, I'll probably have to institute the "at least give them a reason" clause with her too. The little diva. She should be fairly amusing to watch torment the boys. I know, I know, I can laugh now but she'll be my biggest fears realized when she's a teenager!

So I'm off for now, have a good evening.........

p.s. if you know me and/or my daughter lets keep it between us that I wrote about it here, she would die a thousand deaths and hate me forever if she knew about this blog containing her stuff (she doesn't even know about the blog)!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

OY VEY, (what does that really mean anyway?)

Have I mentioned lately how much STUPID people annoy me?!?!? If not, or even if so, I must reiterate this today.
It is probably a sign of burnout in your job when at least 3 to 4 times a day you want to slap someone and say "shut up, stupid". And I'm really not a mean person, but sheesh. Some people, it's a wonder they can dress themselves and utterly amazing that they figured out how to leave their house.

Ok, well now that I have sounded like a real bitch maybe I should move on! It's a good thing maternity leave is imminent, I really need some time away from work!


Once upon a time in a far, far away land . . . .

Kidding, just kidding. I don't have anything that good!

I haven't written in ages, just haven't felt like it. I went to a seminar Friday and during the excruciatingly boring section on Chapter 11's I decided to write in long hand a blog. Did it, it's boring, but I'll type it in here anyway:

I am sitting here in a room full of attorneys and paralegals at a legal seminar concerning the new bankruptcy laws. Oh such fun you say -- yeah that's what you're thinking I'm sure. We are at the 10:50 section on Chapter 11 Small business bk's. This in no way pertains to my work so I thought I'd write this instead. This thing began at 8:15 am and goes til 4:20 pm - so bets on how long before I fall asleep?
Anyhow, we came to KC yesterday evening. My boss decided to be extra nice and pay for a room here at the Hyatt for me so I could just go down to the conference. So we get here and parking is $15.50 per night! Ok, we were in the middle of downtown and so you have no choice you park and you pay. Well the only eating options were room service, their choice of 3 restaurants (fancy & pricey) or the restaurant on the top floor that well, was too freakin' expensive to walk into little lone eat! So we opted for room service (cheaper of the choices and that isn't saying much) you wouldn't believe what we paid for nachos and salad! I have learned from this hotel that apparently I am cheap!! There I've said it! Laugh if you will, but really when you consider the cost of the room (my boss paid for I would not have paid that much for a room!), parking cost, eating costs etc. it was just way too high. I could've paid for a normal hotel room for what I spent on room service & parking!! Ok, there's my gripe for this blog!
and my confession!

During the seminar Mr. Divinity to our girls to his cousin's house and his aunt's house, they had a great time. Then he picked me up and we went to his aunt's and just relaxed and visited. Saturday I got around and while he went to help his aunt and uncle move their daughter's stuff out of her house (it sold) I stayed and helped his other aunt clean house because they were having an open house (their's is on the market - oh how I wish I had $300,000 to blow!) and then we drove to my sister's for my nephew's bday party! Then drove home, I just didn't feel like staying another night.

Well if you aren't sufficiently bored, I will type my whiney Wednesday blog later!!! so for now enjoy you day!!

p.s. looks like fall/winter might actually be on it's way!!!! Did you see that snow in Montana!!!!! Snow and cowboys aren't those women lucky!!!