Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I almost forgot T3 - and well I have no enlightening ideas for a top ten soooooooooo I'll go with my top ten favorite foods in no particular order -

1. Krispy Kreme donuts - especially the blueberry glazed ones
2. chimichangas
3. Manicotti
4. Frosted Mini Wheat cereal
5. Subs from the Deli on the west side in Buffalo NY
6. Sweet homemade Italian Canolis
7. cheesecake
8. cheese & garlic biscuits
9. cheesecake brownies
10. Chicken fried steak w/gravy

So aren't you thrilled you know my weaknesses!!! Can you tell I'm hungry!!!
Anyway have a good Tuesday.

Monday, August 29, 2005


I am listening to the best song. It's called, you guessed it, "Dream Big". If you haven't heard it you should go to yahoo music videos and listen to it. You'll feel better. I absolutely love this song. It's by Ryan Shupe & The Rubber Band. A friend of ours' son had a form of MD and passed away not long ago and right after I received the call that he was gone I heard this song for the first time and it just fills my heart and head with Tyler everytime I hear it.

We went camping this weekend. I took my two girls and there were 6 other adults and 14 other girls there. It was a girl scout thing. We all stayed in what is called the C.I.T. house. Bunk beds, fans and spiders oh my. It was on a hill that had to be climbed everytime you wanted to use the latrine (yes, I just said Latrine! No flushies) or go to your vehicle to get something out. It was way to hot, but other than that it was a fun time. We got to go swimming for around an hour on Friday, til the lifeguard saw lightening and made everyone get out (no sense of humor there, she said no games of chance in her pool!) It was ok to get out though they were all freezing, the water was oh, I don't know 30 below!!! My husband informed me this is probably because it is well water. Anyway it was COLD. So we had hot dogs over the fire for dinner and sat around and visited. I apparently miss spoke when during a conversation that I had been 6 months pregnant when I got married (there were three 11 yr olds in the room - all of which I have known for ages and know their parents in some fashion) oops. Then Saturday we had a late breakfast (not by choice - it just seemed to take ummm-forever) It was good though. Then some of the girls went for a hike and some of us drove to look around the camp grounds (we got out and walked some). Some of us played yatzee and visited etc. we had lunch and started to get ready to go. We got all vehicles packed, cleaned the place up, then realized we had to take all of the trashwith us!! (if you bring it in you take it out) So we then had to figure out who was taking what in our already full cars. Fun Fun. One leader had left early on to go get coffee only to come back and have her car die on her, completely. So she got her husband down there and he said "Yep, it's dead" so they were going to go get a new one!! Must be nice!! So anyway, I am totally ready to go when I get in and try to start my van - the operative word here is try. It won't start, so we try jumping it, nothing, we tried everything we could think of, nothing!! So me and my two girls jump in with someone else and decide Mr. Divinity can come back later and figure it our!

OHOHOHOH - I had to take my girls to the fair Saturday night after our camping extravaganza and holy crap was it HOT!!!! Jenifer that had given me a ride home took her kids too so I had someone to visit with and the girls had someone other than each other to ride with. They had such a good time!! Jenifer totally saved me!!! So we visited and the kids rode rides. Luckily we got there at 6pm so they rode most everything without having to wait in line long. We saw April she was covertly following MWH. And after 2 in a half hours, a slice of pizza and a funnel cake to share we headed home!!! I have to say I am so glad the fair is only once a year!! I spent $60!! and they didn't play the games, just bracelets, drinks and food!! CRAZY!!

Well I have much to ramble on about, but it is time to go home so I will finish at a later date!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

In answer to the CONCERT question . . . . . .

On Saturday night I took my oldest daughter, Katlynn, to see Keith Anderson, Blake Shelton and Rascal Flatts.

As it turned out some friends of ours that we were going with got VIP tickets, parking passes and such. So Katlynn and I got to ride with them and didn't have to go through the parking hell. We went in and found a spot, oh I don't know a football field away from the stage!! and our friends went off to the VIP section. Some other people we know were coming and going to meet up with us so there we sat.

At about 6:30 my cell rings and it's a friend of mine that was working the beer tent for her sister, (her girls and my girls play together often so she knew that I had taken K for her bday) so anyway she says does Katlynn want to meet Rascal Flatts!! I'm like "OF COURSE" so she has us meet her at the OU tent and off we went. We followed them to the casino and in the concert room there were a couple hundred people waiting in line for a 'Meet & Greet' we were seated and told that we would get in at the end of the line and a pic would be taken and put in these Coors Light autographed cards etc. Katlynn's palms were sweating sooooo badly and she kept saying "Mom I am soooo nervous and excited" So RASCAL FLATTS finally come through the door !! Wow -(oh and I got to meet their tour manager and he was SO hot) Then the line goes really quick and it's our turn!! Katlynn wanted us in the pic together and I had to push her towards Joe Don who was talking to her and Gary and Jay also spoke, she just grinned ear to ear and says she said hi, but I didn't hear it! So I tell them that we're there as her bday gift and she's super nervous and they were unbelievably sweet! So we got our picture. I'd post it, but it's a polaroid and kind of dark. I may try later.
Then on the way back to the concert area, my friend tells me she has 2 VIP passes for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So not only did we get to do the Meet & Greet, but we got to sit really close to the stage!! in the VIP section!!!!!!! I SO OWE THIS GIRL!

We missed Keith Anderson's first few songs, and got there right before he did 'Pickin' Wildflowers' he was great. Then Blake Shelton came out and - oh man- just don't even get me started!!! (next time I want to meet him!)

Katlynn got a t-shirt - she's so sweet she got a bigger size so that after I have the baby I can wear it too! (isn't she a sweety). We danced and sang and just had a really great time. It was hot, but it didn't rain and it wasn't nearly as hot as it was supposed to be!!! The poor kid was so tired that by 11ish she was sitting down with her head in her hand almost asleep! And we were really close to the stage so it was way loud!!!

Since we parked in the VIP parking pass section getting out was easy and didn't take long. LOTS of drunk people walking to their cars!!!

I'll try and bring my stuff and scan pics tomorrow or the next day.

Oh, and I know I am old and all that but "JOE DON ROONEY HAD HIS ARM AROUND ME!!" silly I know, but hey in person he is hot.
All in all those three guys are so nice.

I guess I'll quit gushing now. One more thing, all night that night Katlynn kept looking at me going "Mom, we got to meet Rascal Flatts!" and then the next Monday she wore her shirt and was the talk of the class!! So I made her week. She thinks I rock!!!!

I got this in an email so I thought I'd SHARE -

Answer the Questions by copying this e-mail and pasting it into a new one, only answer if you have the time, if you don't I wont take it personal.

1. First name? Stormie
2. Were you named after anyone? No
3. Do you wish on stars? No
4. When did you last cry? the other night while watching some sappy tv show - I have an excuse, I'm pregnant
5 Do you like your handwriting? not really
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? salty ham
9. If you were another person would you be friends with you? of course

10. Do you have a journal? no
11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? no
12. Would you bungee jump? NO WAY - I like me feet on the ground!!!
13. What is your favorite cereal? frosted mini wheats
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? yes
15. Do you think that you are strong? in most ways
16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben & Jerry's CHunky Monkey
17. Shoe Size? 8 - 81/2
18. Red or Pink? Pink
19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I cry too easily
20. Who do you miss most? my poppy
21. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? If they have time
22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? tan capris and white sandals
23. Last thing you ate? string cheese
24. What are you listening to right now? 3 Doors Down
25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green
26. Are you married, divorced, seperated, eternally engaged, or single? married 10 1/2 years
27. Any children? (Names and ages please) Katlynn 10, Kiersten 6, and one on the way
28. Any grandchildren? (Names and ages please) NO
29. Who is LEAST LIKELY to respond to this? don't know
30. Who is MOST LIKELY to respond to this? Diva
31. When is your birthday? July 17
32. What is your favorite kind of food? italian
33. What is your favorite restaurant? Little Italy in Buffalo NY
34. Favorite fast food? Charlie's Chicken
35. What is your MIDDLE name? Michelle
36. What kind of jewelry are you wearing NOW? wedding ring & earrings
37. Are you left handed or right handed? right
38. What is the weather like where you live? I live in Oklahoma so it changes hourly - right now it is 77 degrees and is supposed to be 90 today w/chance of thunderstorms
39. What city and state do you live in? OK
40. Do you pray? Yes
41. Any tattoos? 2 -a four leaf clover and a sunflower
42. Any piercings? Just my ears

So now I think that the following should participate, and anyone else that wants to:

Redneck Diva
Smalltown Starlit

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


TOP TEN THINGS PEOPLE DO TO IRRITATE THE CRAP OUT OF ME!! (Today anyway, it may change tomorrow)

1. When asked for their phone # when they are leaving a message they reply "you have my #" (like I have all day to go hunt down everyone that calls' ###).
2. My boss calling 3,000 times on his cell phone while away from the office - (i.e., on his way to the office, he'll be 10 minutes away and call and talk all the way here - or be on his way to Carthage or neosho, having just left the office and call and talk forever or on his way back from somewhere he'll be 10 minutes from here and call and talk the entire way!!! so I spend many wasted minutes on the phone so that he can feel like he's doing something productive - which it isn't productive!!!)
3. Faxing me stupid "take a vacation for $159.99" flyers!!!!
4. People calling repeatedly saying "he hasn't returned my call yet, did YOU give him the message" (No I hide them from him and until he finds them he can't return his calls!!)
5. knock on the door to the office rather than just walking in, it's not a home, it's a business why would you knock - I'm not a hostess that needs to greet you at the door!
6. When I finally find a pen I love and someone swipes it!
7. Clients that call every 20 minutes!
8. People telling me how huge I am for only being 5 1/2 months pregnant - like I don't look in the mirror everyday and have to try and find something to wear, I need them to tell me too!
9. People that don't put handsoap in their bathroom - what are you supposed to wash your hands with?
10. People that make things much harder than they need to be.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Breakout the happy dance, IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!

I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am that it is Friday! Of course, my lazy dream of doing absolutely nothing all weekend won't happen - but, hey, I am ok with that.

Tomorrow is the RASCAL FLATTS, KEITH ANDERSON & BLAKE SHELTON concert at the big fancy casino!! My daughter is beside herself she's so excited! I am crossing my fingers it doesn't rain and ruin it!!! It is supposed to be 100 degrees, but raining!!!! Oy, Oklahoma weather definitely leaves something to be desired!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm sure you all are aware that Joe Don Rooney is a Picher native, if you're not from here Picher is honestly one of those towns that if you blink you'll miss it. When I was in high school we all chased the guys from Picher, something in the water - they were hot. (granted we were 16-17 and from looking at pictures, didn't have the greatest taste!) But hey look at Joe Don, he's hot!

As for Keith Anderson, he is a Miami native. My husband went to high school with him. I don't remember him from school, he is around 5 years older than me. Oh, and his aunt lives down the road from one of my best friends and was there last Thanksgiving! of course I was in KC so I didn't get to gawk. And last time he was in concert here it was test night for my self-defense class so I didn't get to go!

Now Blake Shelton, I don't know where he's from but he still looks good and has a great voice.

This will be my first totally sober concert. I probably shouldn't admit that, kinda makes me sound like a lush!! OOPS. My first concert ever was Motley Crue and yes I was sooooo infatuated with Tommy Lee! It was the Girls, Girls, Girls tour. Isn't that just pathetic!!! I think my favorite concert ever was and will always be Bob Seger! A bunch of us went and we had the best time. It was a great concert.
Well maybe I'll just list the concerts I've seen, right here and now, in no particular order,

1. Motley Crue (in North Carolina when I was 14 and in Dallas when I was 20)
2. Oz fest - OZZY rocks! (been a few times in KC-oddly enough this was after marriage)
3. AC/DC - (in KC -)
4. Bob Seger (KC)
5. Steve Miller Band (KC)
6. Alabama (in Tulsa, I was 16 - hey wait I was sober at this one!)
7. TRACE ADKINS (here in Miami)
8. Bad Company (more times than I can count- in Tulsa & Dallas)
9. Lynyrd Skynyrd (just about as many times as Bad Company)
10. and I went to some boy band that was popular when I was 17 in Buffalo, I went to chaperone my bfriends little sister, I can't even remember who it was!!
11. Guns -n-Roses

and that is all I can think of right now - it seems like I am forgetting some - oh and as of tomorrow I can add -
12. Rascal Flatts
13. Keith Anderson
14. Blake Shelton

So I guess I'll quit playing remember when! and get back to work! hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I MISSED whiney Wednesday!! oops

I had to leave work early to go to some appointments and didn't get my post done before I left. And I don't have any pictures with me to take part in HNT soooo I'll just babble.

I went to the Dr. yesterday for my monthly appointment. Heard the baby's heartbeat (it's so cool to hear it, even though I've heard it numerous times!). They measured my belly and weighed me (that part sucks) and told me everything looked good. I do however have to go have a full retinal exam at the eye doctors. I have been seeing stars (every now and then) and I can't wear my contacts over a couple of hours and my eyes get foggy, and even wearing my glasses all day my eyes get foggy. So she wants me to go have this done. Just what I needed another bill to pay!! Oh well, I like being able to see so I guess I'll go. Oh yeah, she also grinned and said looks like you'll probably be our New Year's baby. It left me wondering If I was their only patient with a January 1st due date?!?!? It would be cool to have the New Year Baby. Hopefully it will involve free diapers! That'd be terrific!!

I went to our Girl Scout Service Unit meeting the other day and I guess we are going to go camping as a unit sometime soon. It should be fun. If you read the Diva then you've read her story about calling our Service Unit Manager's daughter a nazi to the manager's face in her home, granted the diva didn't yet know she was speaking of the woman's daughter! Yeah, it was hysterical! Anyway the 'nazi' as she was so labeled by the Diva will be on this camping trip, so it should be interesting to see who she blasts this time! (Sherry if by chance you're reading this I am soooooooo kidding here!)
Anyhow, it should be fun. I haven't told my husband yet, he'll probably tell me I'm nuts considering I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant! Oh well I know how to inflate the blowup mattress!

I am really glad tomorrow is Friday. This has been a long week, with school starting and all.

If you haven't you should go look at April's Half Nekkid Thursday post! It's almost frightening!!

Well I guess I'll find some work to do before I leave for the day!

Have a wonderful evening!

Monday, August 15, 2005

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring.. . . . ..

We went to Clinton, Friday evening and it started raining late that evening. Saturday it rained pretty much all day, we came home very late Saturday night and it rained most of the way home. Sunday it rained off and on all day. And now as if Monday isn't bad enough on its own, it's been raining all morning. I don't mind the rain, it just makes me want to crawl into bed or on the couch and snooze!

After the birthday party Saturday my sister-in-law drove us to Belton to go to Kohl's. My oldest has been seeing the kohl's commercial with the new Candie's line and such and wanted to go for school clothes. They were having a one day sale (I know all the stores have them routinely) and oh man did I ever get off cheaper due to this sale!! She got the cutest pair of reeboks (Black/pink) for $30, her foot has grown soooo much, she's wearing my size!! She's only 10. They both got backpacks and a couple of outfits so their good for now. I wait til September when it starts cooling off to take them for fall/winter clothes. It alleviates the 2 months of wanting to wear clothes that it is entirely too hot for. And considering all the money I had to shell out for spring/summer clothes, they can get a little more wear outta them since there's no way they'll wear them next year.

Well I start my 21st week tomorrow, so I've made it past that halfway point! The baby is moving ALOT only not so drastic as others can feel it yet, but I image that will come soon. The girls keep asking if they can feel it yet. It's cute.

I am so tired today, I guess it's just the rain.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Things keep hitting my window. . . . .

Ok, maybe I should explain. In my office there are these three windows and outside fairly close to the building are a lot of trees. Well things randomly fall and/or collide with my windows, tree limbs, acorns, birds, and yesterday a squirrel fell off and hit it too!! I am so not kidding it was a gray squirrel and he hit hard!
Now that your all excited by my amazing squirrel story I'll move on to something else.

Last night my daughters were doing chores. The elder one was unloading the dishwasher and the younger one was mopping (water mopping) and they were of course bickering about who knows what. So it becomes physical. Now mind you it is almost always the littler one that throws the first punch/slap/kick whatever so I listened for a while and threw in the occasional could you two quit please. So after this goes on for a bit, (shorty had been crying for several minutes) she comes in bawling about her sister having hit her. I casually asked if she had hit her big sister first and her reply was "(through tears and all) yes, but she hit me harder and more times!!!" I know it's twisted that I think this is funny, but the kid tells on herself everytime!! I just hope it continues (the tattling on herself, not the hitting)

Well Diva's post on offering her husband a blow job for his troubles had me rolling on the floor and it reminded me of a similar conversation I had with Mr. Divinity a few weeks ago. I was asking him when he was going to put the pool up, and he said he didn't know. I told him that it wasn't for the kids I really, really wanted the pool up for me! He smiles and says something about if he had the time the next day or maybe by the end of the week. Well I pop off with I really want the pool up, I'd even consider giving him sexual favors in return (he's grinning like you wouldn't believe) and then (here's the funny part) I finish with saying "I don't even have to be involved" - ok as he is falling off the couching laughing at this final remark I am trying to explain what I meant, etc. - he was laughing to hard to so I gave up and realized just what I had said. Sometimes I should just open my mouth and insert my foot!!
And if he ever found out I wrote about that on here he'd have a fit!!!

Oh, I almost forgot, we went and saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It was good, both my daughters liked it, the younger one didn't get all of it, but she liked it. My older one loved it! I am apparently the sappiest person on earth cause I cried (ok maybe not the sappiest my aunt went too and she cried - at least I have the excuse that I'm pregnant!) It isn't a sad movie, it's upbeat and a 'this is how we got through by helping each other' movie.
You should see it.

Well I should be working, so I guess I'll go for now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hope For Henry Foundation

Ok, I was floating through some blogs and came across this old blog and couldn't quit reading it. It was written by a woman that had given birth to a beautiful little boy named Henry only find out he had a birth defect and then to make matters worse they discovered that the defect was due to him having Fanconi anemia. He had a weak heart and needed surgery, but even if he received the surgeries and they went well he would have to have a bone marrow transplant if there was going to be any chance for him to live. And the transplant needed to be from a sibling, because unrelated donors didn't work. So this blog chronicled the steps these parents took to try and save their son. Through a specialist they sought to have a child through IVF and determine before conception whether or not this child would genetically match Henry and whether or not it would also have the disease. It didn't work, they did however end up having to more sons, Jack and Joe. And Henry passed away in 2002. They created this foundation "Hope for Henry" in hopes of helping other children and families with this horrible disease. I wanted to post the link to this blog, but accidentally lost it so I am posting the link to the Foundation's website, it's an incredible story. http://www.hopeforhenry.org/index.html


I had almost forgotten what day of the week it was. My list is a short one today.

*My feet are apparently swelling, stretching whatever they just don't want to go into my shoes. (said shoes being heels, which I shouldn't be wearing anyway)
*Almost all of my shoes are heels (and I like the 2" heels) the others are flipflops and sneakers, I am expected to 'dress up' for work so flipflops and sneakers aren't going to work! Mr. Divinity is just going to love that I have to get new shoes! He already gives me a hard time about having 50 pairs!
*I have no desire to work today, but I'm stuck here til 5pm!
*I want to go to ladies' night tomorrow, but am having no luck finding a sitter.

That's all for now, however, I do reserve the right to come back and add to this later.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Some people are so stupid. . . . . .

Well if thats not a nice way to start off a blog I don't know what is. Kidding, only kidding. No really I work in an attorney's office and boy let me tell you some days I wonder if stupid people out rank us like '10 to 1'!! I mean really. I'm not going to give my, oh I don't know 10 examples from today, but believe me you'd agree.

Maybe it's hormones, I don't know, but generally I am an EXTREMELY patient person. It takes quite a bit to unnerve me, this is something I worked at for years because I watched my parents' tempers flare all throughout my childhood and decided I wouldn't be like that. I have a raging temper once I'm past 'that point' and all hell will break loose and I hate that feeling. Not to mention I can hold a grudge like you wouldn't believe! It has been pointed out to me on many occasions how people assume I have a hellofa temper due to my red hair. Well, I have a decent amount of Irish blood in me (hence the red hair) and boy that expression "make my blood boil" must've been coined by an irishman!! So my point being, here lately know matter what I do to squelch my temper it keeps rising and rising for really small things! Mr. Divinity thinks it's kind of amusing. And sitting here writing this I just laughed at myself. Right now the main contributors to my wanting to physical harm someone seems to be 1) My boss (can't hurt him he signs my checks -ok well I sign my check, but he puts the money in the bank) 2) the vast majority of our clients 3) potential clients, that don't really need a lawyer, have any money, but just feel the need to call me during my work day and, 4) those wonderful strangers that like to tell me how HUGE I am for only being 5 months pregnant (oh and w/my second child at 5 months I looked more like 81/2 months, so I'm thinkin' I'm doin' pretty good). And truth be told I'm not walking around in a bad mood, I'm most usually in a good mood (kinda of tired, but happy). So that tee-shirt I go from 0 to Bitch in 1.9 seconds well apparently that is me in a nutshell!
Let's just all pray I make it through without physically assaulting anyone!!!

I guess I'm going to take the girls to see "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" tonight. I actually need to clean my home, but I said I would so there it is. I'll let you know how it is later.
If you haven't read it april has this great double meaning dictionary thing up, you should go check it out, it's funny!
Well I'm going to go it's 5PM and I can leave now!! Have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

This is from Smalltown Starlit's page . . .

1. Name a television theme song that describes you.I looked and looked and well if you know me you’ll see this as fitting, if not, well it is.

One Day at a Time (Theme by John and Nancy Barry)

This is it. This is it.
This is life, the one you get
So go and have a ball.

This is it. This is it
Straight ahead and rest assured
You can’t be sure at all.

So while you’re here enjoy the view
Keep on doing what you do
So hold on tight we'll muddle through
One day at a time, One day at a time.

So up on your feet. Up on your feet
Somewhere there’s music playing.
Don’t you worry none
We’ll just take it like it comes.

One day at a time, one day at a time.
One day at a time, one day at a time.
One day at a time, one day at a time.
One day at a time, one day at a time.

2. Are you more Katie, Matt, Ann, or Al?
I am more like I don’t know I guess a mix of Ann and Katie? I’m really not sure. What do you think?

3. What type of house pet would you be?
Probably a cat. I like to come and go as I please, can handle petting, but prefer it when I want it not on demand. And I like to be fed.

4. Most embarrassing moment.
Geez, I could name a dozen or more of these, let me think the best I guess would be…..when I waited tables in a country bar (r&b) and I had a tray full of drinks some cowboy (or girl) thought it would be humorous to trip me and I went sailing all that beer landed on me and of course it's dark in there so I just looked like a clutz that couldn't walk! Everyone clapped for me as I sat in the floor dripping beer! And let me tell you those pitchers hold a lot of beer! So I looked like a drowned rat with a very wet tshirt!!

5. The age old first of school question: What did you do over summer vacation?
Worked. Took the kids swimming. Went to my sister’s in Paola. Went to Cabela’s. Went to the lake. Nothing to exciting really.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Whiney Wednesday

I don't really have any whines today other than the STUPID Office Depot site and my computer won't play nice and let me order the things I need to order!!! and I have forgotten to order all week so I am down to like 2 envelopes!! oops!!
Good things this weeks:

*I am going to the hospital today for my ultrasound the one that is supposed to make sure everything is ok and tell me the sex (I wasn't actually supposed to have the one done 2 weeks ago that he did). So this is ok cuz I get to leave work in a few minutes!!

*I got the loan(well my nanny did) for my van yesterday, and I am going to go pay for it today!! Hooray!! - I have been having to drive my dad's truck since I totalled my car on May 24th! Now don't get me wrong I completely appreciate my dad loaning me his truck otherwise I'd have been on foot!! I will just be glad to have my own vehicle and even though I love a 4wd truck, I have learned that I HATE having to be the one that pays for the gas that goes into it!! I went from spending around $100 a month on gas (I drive 30 minutes to and from work) to spending around $200 to $250 (that's if I only go to work and home)!!!!!!!!!! So I digress - I'm happy to be getting a vehicle!!

*My sister is coming to visit this weekend with her two kids!

And probably a few other things, but I have to leave now so see ya or type ya I guess, later.

Have an wonderful whiney wednesday!

Monday, August 01, 2005

I hope this doesn't bore you to tears. . . .

1. Ten years ago – I had just had Katlynn on July 12th and was recovering;

2. Five years ago – I was enrolling for my 3rd semester at Missouri Southern State University, and starting my internship with a lawyer in Miami;

3. One year ago – I was working at my same job, Katlynn had just turned 9, I was starting my 2nd to last semester at Missouri Southern and trying to talk my hubby into trying for a 3rd baby;

4. Yesterday-We had spent the weekend with family at the lake and I didn’t get home it around 6, so I was being lazy;

5. Today – work – eewww Monday;

6. Tomorrow – eewww work;

7. Five snacks I enjoy – choc. Chip cookies, Gelato, sundae toppers pudding, oatmeal concrete, pb & j;

8. Five bands I know the lyrics of most of their songs: Rascal Flatts, Bad Company, Bob Seger, Motley Crue (I know I shouldn’t admit that, but hey once upon a time . . .. . ), Tim McGraw;

9. Five things I would do with $100,000,000 – Donate or start a charity for homeless children, donate to my church & school, pay off my bills, pay off my parents bills, build a large home in the country, take a trip to Ireland, take everyone on a family vacation, and well the list just keeps on going;

10. Five locations I'd like to run away to: New Zealand, Colorado, Alaska, Cancun, Nantucket;

11. Five Bad Habits: popping my knuckles, eating junk food, worrying about things I can’t fix, cracking my gum, avoiding the dentist; (geez, a few years ago I could’ve really get that list going!!)

12. Five things I like doing: watching movies, cooking, doing stuff with my kids, reading, shopping;

13. Five T.V. shows I like: Lost, Medium, CSI, Desperate Housewives and Gilmore Girls;

14. Famous People I’d like to meet: Tim McGraw, Angelina Jolie, John Edwards (the almost VP), the plumber on Desperate Housewives, Eric Bana (Prince Hector in Troy);

15. Biggest joys at the moment: my kids, its almost fall, I’m pregnant, we’re making headway on redoing our house, I’m pregnant;

16. Favorite toys: digital camera, computer, palm and I can’t think of any other toys I have!;

17. Five people to tag: any five that would like to play!