A soapbox I could so easily get on . . .
A Quote Worth Repeating
"The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children."
~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
but I won't, at least not today.
Yep, I'm Irish (red hair, freckles and all) and I'd like to think divine indeed!
A Quote Worth Repeating
It should take 8 minutes.
Well, Kael turned 3 months old the 28th! It has flown by. The little turd has been turning himself over from his back to his stomach for a couple of weeks now and I felt it was kind of early for him to be doing this, but since it's been so long I thought maybe I'd just forgotten. And several people expressed surprise at him doing this, but still. So today I am reading one of those baby updates from BabyWeekly and it is talking about things my baby should be doing at 13 weeks and it says,
ok, mine is apparently backwards, because he started with the back to the belly! lol and he's been doing it for a while rather than anytime now. I hope this doesn't mean everything will come early. Since he's my last baby I want him to take his time and not grow to quickly. I know that sounds silly and selfish, but hey I get to here! The girls just went to fast for me and now they act so grown up.This strengthens the muscles he or she will need to roll over, which could happen any time. While babies often roll from tummy to back first, doing it the other way is perfectly normal, too. However, it may take your baby until he or she is about 5 or 6 months to roll from back to tummy, because that trick requires stronger neck and arm muscles.
Jeez, the am came early today! And I am out of creamer at home so there was no coffee to be had because, well I just can't stomach the stuff without my creamer! Now I'm thinking I should've stopped before I got here and made do with cappacino!
My boss and I were just talking and he asked me if it was supposed to rain tomorrow and it reminded me of my 6 yr old. This is due to the fact that the only time I know what the weather will be like tomorrow is when she mentions it. Odd I know. Many months ago, during our evening of trying to get things ready for morning, I asked her if she had her clothes laid out and
her: "yes, I have my green curious george shirt, jean skirt and panties"
me: "will you be warm enough?
To this I received a nice sigh followed by
her: "Mom, it's going to be 74 degrees out tomorrow and sunny." *With that 'aren't you the mom' look*
A list of things I need to do soon. . . .
real excitement here, huh folks!!
Hey I've gotta "you might be a redneck if. . ."
Ok, I was coming to a stop at a light and I glanced at the vehicle in front of me that was stopped and did a double take! On the ball hitch was a deer in a standing position so that you could see it's belly and the belly had a bullseye target on it and the middle blinked!! So you think they fit the redneck catagory? OMG!
And this is a good one, I can't hardly tell it without crying for laughing so hard, oh, and I'm fairly sure my dad won't appreciate me sharing it! oh well, what he doesn't know.....
Him and a friend went to a concert in OKC (I can't remember who they saw) and they got a room across the street from the concert so that they could walk and there would be no drinking and driving involved. It was at a very nice hotel. So before they go to the concert they get pizza to eat and bring the leftovers back to the room to eat later. So they go to the concert and get back to the room, his friend is in the bathroom and dad decides to heat up the pizza so he opens the doors on the armoire that he had looked at earlier that had a microwave and stuff, and was going to put his pizza in the microwave only the door wouldn't open, so he puts the pizza in and tries and tries to start it, so his friend comes out and tries too. Before (thankfully, I guess) they call downstairs to ask how to start the microwave it dawns on him that he's seen one of these before. It was on the cruise ship in the closet. Yeah, the closet because it was a SAFE not a microwave!!!
Yep, that's my dad and my moms a blonde -
Enough. Said.
I looked back at this after having a very uplifting conversation with a friend on IM {which I thought about posting, but well I don't think I will for now} and after she made me feel better I realized what a downer that post is and jeez, could I be a little whinier!!!
The following post is a last vestige of an illuminating spoken communication (It could by no means be called a conversation, that would imply more than one participant was talking) that I need to get out of my system. More plainly put it can be considered a WTF post! So feel free to skip my ravings and move on to more coherent posts!
him: "You know you really don't have any reason to be any more tired of me than I have been of you."
him: "But, I don't want to argue with you and I have been wrong, blah, blah, blah"
I was reading the Mommy Blog and came across a link to a stress test - ok, well two stress tests and so of course I had to take them. So since the results were
Below 150 - 35% chance of illness or accident within 2 years
Between 150 - 300 - 51% chance of illness or accident
Over 300 - 80% chance of illness or accident
Your Score: 564
Just thought I'd announce (in case you don't scroll down and see it!) that I decided to start an online photo album. There's a photo stream on the left. I was about to post more photos and thought it would make more sense to do it that way. Now if I could just figure out how to underline a word and have the photo pop up . . . .
I have finished a copious amount of work today and yet my desk still has stack upon stack of things 'to do'....... aren't you generally supposed to feel something other than tired when you get so much accomplished or is that just an untruth I can't seem to learn.
First I must say that I CANNOT believe I forgot to post this earlier!~
unknown: Did you have to have very many stitches? [why this is thought to be an appropriate question I will never understand, and yet here I am putting up for everyone to hear!]
me: no, none
unknown: blah, blah, blah
6yr old: Momma, if you didn't have stitches how did you get him out?
10yr old: Yeah, mom? *evil grin*
This is what my 6 year old was singing repeatedly on the way from the sitters to her school. One day we were going somewhere and it was raining and she sang that something like three or four times and lo and behold the rain stopped. Not tapered off, or lightened up, but stopped and the sun came out. So of course she fully believed that she had total control over stopping the rain. And still apparently thinks that she can at will! However, my nerves can only handle this song for a couple of miles, so I interrupt her and explain that we need the rain so that the burn ban can be lifted. That leads to the explanation of what a burn ban is:
The irritation I mean.
him: Where's the baby?
me: In his bed.
him: Where's kiersten?
me: In her bed.
him: Where's Justin? (kierst's friend that was supposed to sleep over)
me: He went home.
him: Why?
me: Kiersten went to bed.
him: grumbly something or other I don't remember
me: silent
him: Are you sleeping?
me: YEAH!
My 6 year old and I were talking on Saturday while driving somewhere and she was telling me about the AR trip her class had gone on the previous day. I asked her if everyone in the class had gotten to go and she said that they all had gotten to go except one little boy. This is the conversation that ensued: