Friday, April 28, 2006

Color me screwed~

And not in a good way.

Don't ya hate it when you have an accident {and by accident I mean my painintheass darling husband wrote checks on my account and THEN told me and later gave me the money - and of course I had already written checks so all hell broke loose in my checking account *insert cuss words here*} in your check book and you get a lot of wonderful fees ($25 bucks a pop) because the nice bank lady (totally sincere) paid them for you rather than cause you more grief by sending them back. Well apparently my limit is $500 on that and then they send them back. Yeah, found that out the hard way. Well as of today his crap has managed to cost us, oh I don't know, $375.00 in fees and that doesn't include the fees that will come from the 3 checks that were sent back to the places who will then add their fees on there too! SHIT! oops.

I started this post on Friday and didn't get to finish it so I'll just move on from here. . . . .

I thought I had fixed that nightmare I call my checkbook and yet when I got online this morning to check the bank I found something else had flippin' bounced! jeez will it never end? I may have to physically harm him yet!!!!

Ok, enough whining about the money woes.............

We had kierstie's bday party friday night. Are you ready for this, 27 kids attended, that doesn't include ANY adults or her brother. Can you imagine if I had invited her entire class as is the requirement if you send invitations to the school. It actually went smashingly well considering. We had her blow out candles and open gifts in the suite (that's what the hotel called it, I don't think it was truly big enough to be called a suite but it worked) and with all the hoodlums angels in that tight of a space bedlam could have easily set in. She received loads of nice gifts and money. Only 9 (including her) stayed the night, and of course me and baby divinity. They surprised me when the majority of them were asleep before 1am. They of course had to swim again in the a.m. crazy kids, that water was freezing!

The rest of the weekend was pretty slow. This was on purpose of course.


How can someone be so great and completely helpful and within 48 hours turn around and be a complete jackass? And yes, this is rhetorical.


I need to write my story for Bornfool's contest, it's due Wednesday the 3rd and of course I have been a procrastinator.


It looks like more rain is heading in. Oh. great. fun. and. joy.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

You should see my word cloud!

Yep, it's all mine. I love it! I went here and did the custom shirt from my blog, it's so cute. The place is Snapshirts and it's addictive! When I first read about it at The Mommy Blog and she equated it with I had to go look. So of course after playing for a while I ordered one. And do to neglecting to put a specific word on the one I bought I must go back soon and order another one! I wanted to wait until I got it and decided whether or not I liked it as much as I thought I would before touting it here (not that the 3 of you who read this are going to rush over and buy one, but hey, who knows).

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So much to type, so little time. . . .

I just realized I haven't posted anything since Friday. I tried yesterday and Monday, but just couldn't find the time. My boss had to have surgery on his eye Friday and so it's been all me this week. You'd think that'd give a person time to play, but alas it has only made me busier. This is because a) he calls three bagillion times a day to see what is going on b) he isn't here so I get caught up in working on things that I don't have time for when he's here and c) it's simply tax time and so my work life becomes as appealing as the fiery pits of hell!

On an up note I had an interview the other day and hopefully this won't jinx anything, but it went superbly! So of course today my friend calls to tell me that the P&P job I've been seeking for ages is finally hiring and notices will most likely go out within a week or two. I just hope I actually get one of them!

I have several stories saved in my head that I want to put here, but I really have to finish up one or two things before I head for home and I need to leave here in 15 minutes so I'm going to put them on paper before the drift off to noman's land, never to be found again.

I found this and thought it fit me SO perfectly. . . . .

Daily prayer: Please God, put your arms around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.

Friday, April 21, 2006

What's that SMELL?

I probably should not repeat this, well, because it really lends to my 'blonde walking' title. No offense intended to any blondes reading this. I am the epitome of most blonde jokes. And yes Diva you already know what's coming!

On Tuesday the kids and I get in the van and I'm like, "Did one of you leave something in here over night that is smelling?" Replies of NO came quickly. I did a quick check under the seats and saw nothing. (I had vacuumed & cleaned it out on Saturday so I could actually see under the seats-amazing I know) So on with our lives we went. As the week progressed the van kept getting stinkier (I mean something died in here stinky) We looked and looked and I had finally decided something nasty must've been spilled on the carpet and the heat was making it linger. Yesterday morning I opened up my door and thought I am going to vomit if I don't get this smell out of here. I had thought that maybe something had been in the stroller (I keep it in the back all the time) when it got put away and that's what was smelling. So I at 7:30am when getting ready to leave for work I open up the back of the van. To the right of the stroller and kind of tucked under it where you couldn't really see it, was an odd looking walmart sack tied at the top so I grab it and proceed to try and untie it as I do this I see something had leaked out of the bag and in mid untie I hear my dad's voice from Sunday evening saying "I'm sending one of the turkey's from my freezer that I killed with you to put in the deep freeze."

Yep. You guessed it. There was a wild turkey dethawing in the back of my van and basically cooking in the 90 degree weather. When I told Diva this story I laughed so hard I cried. cried. And I thought she was going to wet herself she was laughing so hard at me. And Mr. Diva was looking at me stunned trying not to bust from laughter and disgust I think!

I don't know that the smell will ever come out of the van. I scrubbed and scrubbed the carpet and stuff back there and saturated it with febreze and plan to do it again with a carpet cleaner, but I must say there is nothing like a dead, smelly turkey to make two women laugh hysterically!

Kiersten was with me when I discovered the thing and of course it just so happened her dad picked her up yesterday and I guess she didn't even get fully in the truck before she ratted me out! So when I am telling this story to E yesterday while I am cleaning out the back of the van he is laughing at me because I am again laughing and says through his laughter, "honey, you have the sickest sense of humor I've ever seen." Apparently, this is a good thing.

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things I want to do or places I want to go . . . . . (in no particular order)

(1) St. Thomas Virgin Islands to spend a couple of weeks just lounging around.....wouldn't it be wonderful.

(2) Snow Skiing here of course I've never actually been on snow skis, but I so want to try it!

(3) Alaska either by way of cruise ship or I'd really like to fly there rent a car and and spend a couple of weeks just checking it out. My dad went hunting there a couple of years ago, they were flown in and dropped off for two weeks. He loved it. I don't actually want to hunt to I can do without being dropped off in the middle of the woods. He brought home an amazing bear hide. But again, no desire to hunt.

(4) Buffalo, New York - odd I know. But I went to high school here and my best girlfriend from school still lives there and my step brother and I'd really like to visit. I haven't seen her in, oh I don't know, 11 or 12 years. We do keep in touch, it just hasn't worked out to where we could visit.

(5) Ireland - I can not even fathom actually getting to go to such an amazing place. However, the idea of being on a plane (not crazy about flying) or ship (on the water that long might make me need major xanax) makes me think I'll never actually go.

(6) Sea World, San Antonio - I haven't been since I was a kid. I really want to take my kids there this summer. They have added a water park and amusement park rides since I was there. Ok, let's not go into how that reference's my age!!!

(7) Shopping at the Mall of America - and yeah, unlimited fund would be nice.

(8) Go to the Brickyard 400 with pit passes of course!!

(9) See the Eiffel Tower and travel around Europe - of course if you read #5 . . . . .

(10) Go deep sea fishing! I know the whole water thing, but hey I'd still like to try it.

(11) Go antiquing all around New England, again the unlimited funds would be nice for this.

(12) Pearl Harbor

(13) The remembrance site of the Twin Towers.

See other Thursday Thirteens here.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm so confused.

Ok, so more pissed off than confused. At my six week checkup after having Kael I asked the Dr. why my bellybutton looked so abnormal and was told, "oh, that's an umbilical hernia". Ok. Well we discussed the need for a hysterectomy and was told that the hernia would just be operated on at the same time as the H and that we would decide exactly when to do it at my yearly appt. in June. Then I was told that if there were any changes in the hernia to call and set an appointment to have it looked at. Ok. Well there has been a change, granted not a big change but a change all the same. So this morning I call to make the appointment (hating it because I don't have insurance right now and of course I'm broke - whaaaa) so she asks me why I want to come in and I explain the Dr. told me to if there were changes. She asks about insurance and since I have no insurance she says "we can only see soonercare patients who are pregnant." I told her I didn't have soonercare, I'd have to pay for it. She then says I'll have to go to my primary care physician and be referred to see the Dr., but he wouldn't take care of an umbilical hernia anyway. So I told her that he was the one that had diagnosed it, told me to come in if there were any changes and if he wasn't going to take care of it why did he tell me to come in in June at my yearly and he would operate then. ~you'll love this~ Her next sentence is, "well, we can't take soonercare for a yearly either." {me biting tongue trying not to yell at her} As calmly as I could said, "I understand that, I DO NOT have soonercare I would be paying for it". She actually says, "Oh well, don't get upset, I'm just trying to make sure you realize and don't have a big bill your not expecting." Jeez lady. Ok, so I ask what I'm supposed to do since the dr. told me to come back to HIM for these procedures, she says "well, you can get a referral and then at your appointment in June he can look at the hernia and tell you who to see."
Do you see a pattern here?
Getting no where quick with her, I then ask, "What will it cost to come in now and see him so that he can look at the changes and see if something needs to be done now?" her reply, "Well I can't really tell you that because it depends on how long the dr. is with you, probably around $80, but I can't really say because the Dr. will tell us how much to charge."
So I mistakenly think I'm getting somewhere and am going to get an appointment when she says the bit I put in above about seeing him in June and hangs up.


So I guess I have to go to a primary care physician (pay the $60 or $70 office fee) have him tell me I have an umbilical hernia (big shocker there), give me a referral to someone pay them an office fee, then schedule a procedure for the hernia and also get a referral to the dr., who has already diagnosed it, for a yearly visit and pay them an office fee. And maybe at some point during the next freaking millennium I'll get this stupid thing repaired and a hysterectomy! But not before I pay a gagillion Dr.'s their first visit appointment fee!

And what's the deal with her being so rude to me because she thought I had soonercare. What if I did? I work. I pay plenty of taxes.

And he was my dr. for my entire pregnancy, the bladder problems I had, etc. and I do not owe the office any money at all, so it's not like she had reason to think I wouldn't pay my bill.

Ok, well I am now rambling and just plain --tching and I have given you way more information than I'm sure you wanted to know.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Gilmore Girls cause "the talk"

Last night I was sitting in the middle of the living room floor playing with Kael and watching Gilmore Girls and Kiersten was on the couch to my left. In this episode Lane (who has a very strict mother) is getting married and right before the ceremony Lane's mother pulls her aside and sits her down telling her there is something very important she must tell her. She infoms Lane that there is something very horrible that will be expected of her and it would start with the kiss at the ceremony..... and if she was lucky she would only have to do it that one time. Well the scene was extremely funny. However the crying til tears came from laughter came from Kierst. In the seconds during the end of this scene and after this conversation was had:

her: {serious expression with finger pointing at me} Mom, when I go to get married you had better not try and tell me that!
me: {trying to contain my laughter} Oh, yeah we
will have "THE TALK".

her: {smiling a little now} Nope. NO WAY. You are not having "THE TALK".

me: {openly laughing} We are SO having "THE TALK" and I may even tell you way before you get married!!!!
her: {look of shock}Oh no, no talk, not early, and definetely not before I get married!

I still don't know for sure if she had any real idea what Lane's mother was actually talking about, but the conversation was soooo funny. And no, I didn't volunteer anything else. She's 6.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I have three children. Katlynn. Kiersten. Kael.
This is not a revelation to anyone that has read this before. I only mention it because they have each, at different times during this past week, brought me such amazement, hope, admiration, and so many more adjectives. Katlynn and Kiersten are intelligent, beautiful girls that are growing into considerate and caring individuals.

Katlynn would(will) hate reading this, but I have discovered, through much self examination, and I believe that the reason we tend to conflict on things is that she is so much like me. I tend to overreact to her minute flaws because I subconsciously(or consciously) see them magnified into the things I did wrong or could've done better at her age. Now she is much more out spoken than I was at her age with my parents. You didn't act mad or show your irritation with them. You. just. did. not. So I try very hard to curb my tongue and reaction and let her get it out.
I probably shouldn't put this here because she would be angry with me now, but maybe since she most likely won't read this until she's much older she won't hold it against me. Several days ago out of the blue she started this conversation:
"Mom, do you think I'm paranoid?"
seeing that she was completely serious I weighed my

"What makes you ask something like that? Did someone
tell you that you are paranoid?"

Of course, this didn't fly.
"No, I just want to know if you think I

"I don't think your paranoid, hon, it's more that you
worry about minor things to much. Do you think you are

"Well, yeah."
and the conversation went on from there. It killed me to hear my sweet baby describe the reasons why she considers herself paranoid. What really killed was that she was describing traits that she most likely inherited from ME. I hate that she is only 10 and already hitting the age where you examine everything about yourself because of the mean things others say. Anyway, I digress. I was talking about things they've done to amaze me with their considerate nature. She was worried about not having gotten me something for Easter. And there are many other examples that are better, I just remembered that one first.

This morning I was on my way to meet my husband get some money and he had mentioned that he could take her the rest of the way to school if I wanted. Well Kierst says "Mom are you taking me to school." and I said I could if she wanted me to or she could get in with dad and he'd take her. She didn't skip a beat and said, "Dad can take me, that way you can head on to work, I don't want to make you any later than you have to be."

Monday, April 17, 2006

Here's too much information for you . . .

This is a tag from the Duchess.

1. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?: No

2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?: donate them to girl scouts

3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?: Madonna, at least in 6th grade, can’t remember any further back.

4. What kind of music do you listen to now?: mainly country, but I love other stuff too, like Nickelback, Bob Seger, Van Morrison, AC/DC etc.

5. What is the best thing about your current job?: not a good question right now

6. Are you against same sex marriage?: ummmm, no. It’s not up to me to judge people, it’s between them and God. And if the laws dictate they cannont have same sex marriages they need to call it something else and give those that chose that lifestyle rights concerning their partner. (a soapbox I could easily crawl up on)

7. Have you been on a date in the past week?: yeah, right.

8. Where are you going on your next vacation?: no vacation plans anytime soon – I would like to take the kids to SeaWorld in San Antonio

9. Quote a song lyric: “Life ain’t always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful ride.” Gary Allen

10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?: what do you consider new/old? I have friends that I haven’t known long, but feel as though we’ve been friends for ages and vice versa. So I guess the easy answer would be both.

11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?: Nope

12. Do you like your parents?: Yes

13. Do you live with them?: Nope

14. Where are you from?: Oklahoma

15. Tell us about the last conversation you had?: talked to Diva about baby divinity puking on her and not sleeping, oh great fun and joy for her!!

16. Where do you see yourself in one month: On a sandy white beach, listening to the wave. . kidding, kidding (ok maybe wishing) – in a month I’ll be doing the same thing as now.

17. What is your favorite smell?: clean baby, cigars, cookies baking

18. Do you consider yourself bi-polar?: no, but my husband might disagree

19. What is the time and the outside temperature right now?: 1:39pm - 84◦

20. Have you ever done anything vindictive to your coworker: NO

21. Have you ever gone to therapy?: Nope, not to say I don’t need it though!

22. Have you ever Played Spin the Bottle?: Nope

23. Have you ever Toilet Papered someone's house?: no

24. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?: of course

26. Have you ever had a crush on your brother or sister's friend?: Nope to big of an age difference

27. Have you ever been to a nude beach?: Nope and I have no desire to go!

28. Have you ever drank Jack Daniels?: yep

29. Have you ever had sex on the beach?: Yes and the drink too.

30. Have you ever had a stalker?: unfortunately yes. Scary stuff.

31. Have you ever been in love?: yes

32. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: yes – jeez, this is personal

33. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: yes

34. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one? Yes

35. Have you ever been cheated on?: yes

36. Have you ever had sex with one of your MySpace friends?: Um, NO

37. Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend?: yes

38. Have you ever felt like you were just completely rhino raped?: Really don’t know what that is so I’ll go with NO

39. Have you ever lied to your parents?: Yes

40. Have you ever been out of the country?: Canada and Mexico

41. Have you ever thrown up from working out?: No

42. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month?: nope, but pretty close

43. Have you ever eaten three meals from three different fast food places in one day?: Yes

44. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didn’t know what was going on? Yep, I was a little bit wild when I was younger. And once I got slipped a rohyponl and you are wasted and you have no control over what is going on, and for the most part you don’t know (or at least remember) what’s going on.

45. Have you ever spied on someone you had a crush on?: like in a stalker way? Um no.

47. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?: Yes

48. Have you ever fell in love with someone elses partner?: No

49. Have you ever had your heartbroken by someone you love?: yes

50. If you could change anything that has happened in the last six months would you?: yes

51. Favorite time of day: evening

52. Favorite thing to do: spend time w/family

53. Favorite food: italian

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Insert cuss words here!!!!

I just lost a fairly lengthy post, had been typing off and on this afternoon, added links, added a pic and KABOOM! The blog monster ate it.

And I'm toooooooo irritated right now to try and remember what I had added.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

No news. . . .

is well, no news.

I took him to the Audiologist yesterday and she did one scan and it wouldn't read (or wouldn't read right, I'm not sure) and then she did a different scan and it read flatline (which apparently indicates fluid in the ear). She told me to make an appointment with his Dr. and determine whether or not there is fluid present. Once that is determined and taken care of, if that's the case, I have to make an appointment with her again for the screening and they will determine his hearing in his left ear.

So, the only thing that I know today that I didn't know yesterday is that he has to see his doctor. Nice. I. Know.

I have a headache. . . . . . . . I would like to take a nap. . . . . . . I could use a valium advil. . . . . . . . . Stress is such a shitty crappy thing. . . . . I want need some new tops. . . . . I want some new spring attire . . . . . . I need to get my kids' Easter stuff. . . . . . . I need to buy birthday party stuff before next week. . . . . . .I need to buy presents before next week. . . . . . . . I need to reserve the meeting room and pool for next week. . . . . . oh, @#$%^, I haven't done invitations yet. . . . . . . .I should quite this list before I cry scream . . . . . . and on, and on, it goes where it stops nobody knows!

Ok, yeah, starting to sound a little certafiable so maybe I'll go for now!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A little nervous here. . .

I had to take Kael last week for a hearing screening. They didn't do it in the hospital because their machine was broke. Well we were there for around 45 minutes because the baby has to be very {I'm talkin' almost no movement!} very still. And if you've been around my son that just isn't something he does, he is the wigglingest thing I've ever seen. But he was an angel the entire time we were there. He talked and laughed {which wasn't conducive to what we were trying to acheive~silence} but was quiet enough and still enough to get it done. Well his right ear was fine, but his left ear kept showing 'referral'. So I have to take him this afternoon to see the audiologist for more testes. The lady from last week said that it could be nothing, but her machine doesn't tell anything other than referral so we just had to wait and see. So I have to admit I am a little nervous.

I was going to say wish us luck, but I've been re-reading the left behind series and something in it stuck with me. One of the lines in the book is when one of the main characters says "wish me luck" and a fellow believer replies, "we don't do luck." implying luck doesn't factor in when you have prayer. At least that's how I took it. So I guess I'm telling you 'I don't do luck', but I would definetly appreciate your prayers for him.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and enjoys this amazing weather (ok, so the wind is a bit much).

More later.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday always comes so quickly!

As I may've told you before my computer at home died and so until we get things straightened out and I can purchase a new one, I can only post during the week.

I am soooo loving the time change, longer days and all. Friday we didn't do much. The kids and I went and rented movies and the girls each had a friend sleepover. We got up early Saturday and went to his dad's so he could help him take a trailer of stuff to the dump and E, me and the kids went to Seneca. Once we were home I pretty much did as little as possible. Cleaned some, made cupcakes (not the best diet food, but heh). I put butterscotch chips in my german chocolate cupcakes and it tasted really good. ~oops~ got a little sidetracked! Took Kael on a walk, he loves his stroller. I rented Derailed, I was kind of leary of it because I had heard several people that crabbed about it, since it had Jenifer Anniston in it. It was award winning, but it was good. It wasn't what I expected ~really threw my hubby for a loop, he thought it had a lot of skin from the narrative on the back~ it was so hard not to laugh at his disappointment. Ok, so I laughed openly.

On to Sunday, the kids and I went to church. I'm finally trying to get back into the routine of sunday school. I teach preschool and Kindergarten Sunday school, but due to the baby and such my friend T took pity on me and has been teaching it for me. After church we went and ate Chinese food with friends and then home to change and back to church by two for a meeting. My kids' godmother teaches this class to middle school students called W.I.S.E. U.P. it's about abstinence and everything like that and she does an adult form of it for parents and she was having it at our church so it worked out nicely. It was a good class. Loads of stuff I've missed when my oldest and I have talked, so much to do on that front. I absolutely hate that I have to burden her at 10 years old with the stuff that they shouldn't have to deal with until much later. But I would rather she heard it from me and knows she can come to me with any questions. Still sucks though!

So while fixing dinner and doing the regular ~avoiding getting ready for Monday~getting ready for the start of the week stuff. I put in Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightley. It was long, but I absolutely loved it. Matthew Macfadyen's portrayal of Mr. Darcy was magnanimous. I've since looked him up and he is fairly unknown, hopefully his role in this movie will put him in line for others.

Well enough blabbering for now, I may however come back to blabber some more if the urge so strikes me.

Friday, April 07, 2006

QUestions, QUestions, QUestions

I swiped this from Jenn's blog. It's a tag thing, but I'll just let you decide if you've been tagged. Let me know if you do it so I can read yours.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Waitress
2. Merchandiser

3. carhop
4. Legal Assistant

Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Cold Mountain
2. Stepmom
3. Troy
4. Fried Green Tomatoes

Four places I have lived:
1. Miami, Oklahoma
2. Buffalo, New York
3 Jacksonville, Florida
4. Winston Salem, North Carolina

(and the list goes on and on)

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Gilmore Girls
2. Lost

3. Without a Trace
4. Grey's Anatomy

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Branson, Missouri (quit. laughing.)

2. Cozumel, Mexico
3. Colorado Springs, Colorado
4. Darian Lake, New York

Four websites I visit daily:
4. http://
and several others, but shhhhh don't tell!

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Italian (just about anything especially cannolis)
2. Steak
3. Thia

4. pancakes

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Colorado
2. Italy
3. Ireland

4. St. Thomas (you know the Virgin Islands!!)

Four of my all time favorite Bands
1. Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band
2. Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors

3. Van Morrison
4. Bad Company

Six Friends I am sending this too that will respond

I’m just posting this, I’m leaving this part off… If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


So I'm listening to the radio this morning and he does the horoscopes for people on the go. I usually listen a laugh, on occasion it has been eerily on. One day it said "Your good friend will yell at you today, just let her get it out of her system." So that afternoon me and two others were setting up for some girl scout thing and T starts yelling at us all. She just went off. We were stunned because it's just not like her. As I started to say something that radio guy's voice went through me head telling me to just let her get it out, and so I did and she was fine a few minutes later. Man was she creeped out when I told her about it!
Anyway, my point. This morning he's doing the horoscopes and gets to cancer and says, "There is some confusion about something you've said, someone misinterpreted something you've said and it's causing grief just explain yourself and get it straightened out." So if there's anyone that reads this that I have said something that is troubling you, please let me know so we can straighten it out!!

superstitious? Who me? nahhhh

It's snot what you think~~~~

This morning I got out of the shower and was trying to find something to wear when Kiersten came in to plead her case. She had heard her dad ask about her sister staying for an after school thing and she didn't want to go to her normal after school care without big sis. So I sat on the end of the bed and pulled her to me, we ended up laying down like that with my mouth on her cheek, this is what ensued.

her: Mom, you drooled on me.
me: I did not.
her: {as she jerks away} IT'S SNOT?!?!
me: {laughing loudly} No, not snot, not drool!
her: whoo! {wipes cheek} I thought you said snot.
I really thought you got snot on my face.

me: nope, did you want me to try

her: MOM. {done with the cuddling, fearing
anymore contact!}

So gross as it was, it stopped the whining and inevitable river of tears.

Monday, April 03, 2006

From a Tater's questions

Ok, over on the Tater's blog she asks a question and when I was answering it in the comment section (like she's instructed) I realized how long winded I can be and thought - hey, that'll make a post. So here goes it.

The questions raised is: "Assuming that you are a generous person (and even
if you're not too bad) if you had all the money you need what organization or
cause would you want to contribute too?"

That's a hard one. There are so many worthy organizations. I
think I would have to find a worthwhile one that helped homeless families.
There is a local one, in NY I think that has a school set up for homeless kids,
so that they have a place to go. Since they are homeless and move from one shelter to another or live in their car, or wherever they can find they have a difficult time with school. Another problem for them is of course clothing for school, supplies etc. This school offers a type of 'store' that the kids can find clothes in and school supplies and other necessities. No one there judges them, they're all in the same situation which makes it easier to face everyday. I think that places like this could help stop the cycle. It gives these kids an opportunity at an education and a much better chance at getting off the streets.

I am now going to go search for this school/organization so that I can post the link.

So now go visit Tater and see what else she's askin'.

Follow the yellow brick road. . .

I sure wish someone would point me to it. But of course there is no scarecrow or tinman to lead me on my way so maybe I'll go buy some of those sparkly red shoes and tap my freakin' heels!
Think it'll work? Yeah, me neither.

I guess you could say that I am in a funk of sorts, not a bad mood, not a depressed mood, just a wanna get on the road and get something done kinda mood.

I really need to find another job. I am spinning my wheels here. I do enjoy my job and could not ask for a better boss. The problem is I have to drive so far every morning and afternoon that between the money spent on fuel and the additional hour and 15 minutes drive time, it's just not financially (or emotionally) worth it. And yet I feel so torn about finding something else. I did take the tests and submit the application and such for the probation & parole register and would jump at that, but alas I have heard nothing from them. And so I went to school for all that time to do something I am interested in and good at only to sit and fret over what kind of job to look for while I wait.

Ok, I'll quit whining. For. Now.

My little Kael is so sweet his smile just melts me. And to watch the girls with him makes me feel so complete. Sappy and just plain goofy I know, but watching him look at them with such awe when they are down in his face talking or holding him has to be about the best feeling I've ever felt.

I have some more pics to post so I guess I'll go work on them now.